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Don't Look Now (Spoiler Request)

Foust is SO authentic
22:08 / 20.04.03
Don't Look Now was on TV last night, at 1 am. I didn't want to stay up until 3 to finish it, so I set my VCR. The problem was, I miscalucated how much room was left on the tape. The ending was cut off.

I've seen up to the point where Donald Sutherland has made the sketches of the two old ladies, and is talking to the officer(?) in the office. The officer looks out the window, and sees the two old ladies stolling along the street.

Seeing as I'll probably never get a chance to see the ending, how does it play out?
Foust is SO authentic
22:08 / 20.04.03
Sorry 'bout the lack of abstract. The thread's intent is clear enough, though.
22:29 / 20.04.03
I know you've specifically asked for the ending, but can I suggest you put a special effort into tracking it down. The ending really is one where you stare at the TV for about 5 minutes after its over and mutter gibberish.
22:47 / 20.04.03
Yeah. And it sounds crap on paper.
The Strobe
07:38 / 21.04.03
Absolutely. It really is something not worth spoiling, because all that happens is you'll be entirely underwhelmed if you knew about it beforehand. Because whilst it sounds crap on paper, if we've told you, you'll only see exactly what we said. But it's all about effect.

And it's worth seeing again.
09:22 / 21.04.03
Agreed. Do not spoil this for yourself. Track it down!
Foust is SO authentic
11:50 / 21.04.03
Uh... well, you see, immediately after creating this thread, I went on a bit of a hunt. I know about the dwarf. Now what I'm looking for is a screenshot of the dwarf and/or killing. numberfortyeight, I'm looking in your direction. I saw your post in the wallpaper section.
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