there's obviously a difference between a place that is sort of embarrassing (or what have you) to live cos of other people's notions, and a place that is truly dangerous. if the place you live is the former, i wouldn't worry, cos even if she *is* embarrassed by people's reactions to where she lives, she has the handy excuse that she didn't know any better and oh, would *never* have picked this place under regular circumstances etc., etc. but if it's even a little sketchy, safety-wise, then it is yr duty to tell her so, and furthermore, i wonder what yr gender is. i may catch flak for this, but i don't know that i, as a woman, would trust a male judgement about what's safe and what's not. no offense meant. it's just that i've seen too many times a guy thinking the neighborhood he picked is fine and the girl he's s'posed to live w/being like, uh, no. i'm not trying to sound like a victim here; i'm just saying, guys can get robbed, but we can get robbed AND assaulted. not to mention we're easier targets cos we usually have less body strength and weight, not to mention sometimes wear hard-to-run-in shoes. or, even if nothing will happen to you bodily, say a guy walks home, passes a group of guys or whatever, nothing really happens. but a girl going through that same group might get yelled at; some of my favorite true examples include "i want to dick yr ass" and "i want some hot pink pussy." which, even if you don't actually get touched in any way, still sucks and is scary.
bringing up color is a good point. i too have seen people think an area is bad just because of the color of its residents. hopefully yr roomie won't jump to that conclusion. |