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The Return Of Rothkoid
03:09 / 19.04.03
I can't recall a recent one where any tensions have affected the gathering as a whole.

And I've been out of the country for...

Wait a minute.


Fine. I'll go have a barbemeet with myself. And Pepsi Max. And some invisible ducks.
rizla mission
10:29 / 19.04.03
Having been to loads of barbe-meets over the last .. fuckinghell - four years! - I can say in all honesty that I've never met anyone whom I've disliked. And I've met a great many people whom I've liked very much indeed.

I've had a fine time on just about every occasion, and I'm usually about as socially eloquent as a wounded polar bear when in the company of strangers, so that's quite something I suppose.

I particularly remember completely losing my ability to speak when meeting grant*. He fits his online self so well it was like meeting a legendary, possibly fictional, character - my reaction to "hey, it's grant" was about on par with "hey, it's Moses"..

So hopefully that'll be some encouragement to people who've avoided turning up to any thus far..

I have many, many drunken memories of talking to the most unexpected people about the most unexpected things in the most unexpected places, and for that I am thankful. Actually, thinking further, the events of some barbe-meets seem almost too bizarre to have possibly happened.. I suppose maybe that's by fault for tempting fate by consistently refusing to leave until the bitter end..

And thanks to the unparalleled generosity of you lot, I've never been left with nowhere to sleep either, for which I am also thankful.

*balfour, that is - i lost my ability to *stop* speaking when confronting mr.morrison
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:52 / 19.04.03
So yeah. Meets. Woo! I got a shitload of barbelith along to my farewell and my birthday, and that was All Good. Those same meets have also seen the blossoming of at least two BarbeRomances that're still goin' the distance, over a year later, while my lovelife lies burning next to the radio mast. How terribly Hollywood!
13:58 / 19.04.03
There was of course also the meet where myself, Mordant, Lurid and Baz Auckland (I think- I can only vague remember my own presence there) made ourselves very unpopular with Flyboy's friends at a party afterwards...

...but we don't like to talk about that.
14:27 / 19.04.03
I have never been to a Barbemeet, due to my fucking stupid location, in th North of Scotland. Does anyone else live in such a stupid place? So the only Lither iv ever met is Sttab, coz we went to school together, but now hes gone to uni and left me in this daft place. Think I'll cry. If i didnt hate London so much, Id love to live there.
14:42 / 19.04.03
We interrupt this thread to bring you an off-topic post by Stoatie, who's pissed again and just wants to say, in response to gingerbop's If I didn't hate London so much, I'd want to live there -

That's the trouble with London. Personally, I love the place. But that's "love" in the sense of- she pisses me off, she fucks me around, she infuriates me to the point that I wanna go live in a tent and be the Unabomber- but I could never imagine leaving her.

Fuck, I've only been here 13 years. I think I've "gone native".

We now return you to your previously scheduled thread.
14:57 / 19.04.03
I don't remember the white socks, but I do remember the Aquaman top.

To me, Topo, my giant squid companion!
That day was odd - didn't like three people show up in bright orange shirts?

The pedestal you have been sitting upon heretofore was a mighty one, grant, but you have no idea how many happy little fantasies came tumbling down like the Walls of Jericho at the mention of those "white socks".

If it’s good enough for Peter Lawford, baby....

I particularly remember completely losing my ability to speak when meeting grant*. He fits his online self so well it was like meeting a legendary, possibly fictional, character - my reaction to "hey, it's grant" was about on par with "hey, it's Moses"..

Heheheh. Mission accomplished. The same is true of you, of course. Rizla is pretty totally himself online and in public.

Which is nice.

He's the one I would've had no trouble identifying at a distance.

I’ve realized/remembered something about online vs. real-life interactions. In real life, you have to keep talking. Pauses can be awkward. Online, you can get up without saying goodbye and go do something else for an hour, and then come back and resume conversing.
Baz Auckland
15:08 / 19.04.03
The Chairman wrote:There was of course also the meet where myself, Mordant, Lurid and Baz Auckland (I think- I can only vague remember my own presence there) made ourselves very unpopular with Flyboy's friends at a party afterwards...

Hee hee. That was a fun party though. Jubilee celebrations, penguin bottle openers, hostile people demanding we leave. I can't for the life of me remember what the basis of that meet was...
15:13 / 19.04.03
...oh God, the fucking penguin... it's all coming back to me now.
Mourne Kransky
15:51 / 19.04.03
Ah, the Golden Age of barbemeets where they had penguin fucking! Just never going to see those glory days again...
rizla mission
09:28 / 20.04.03
Well I guess it would help explain the 'being asked to leave' thing..
10:41 / 20.04.03
Stoatmeister - I am a native (awright guvnor!). I fucking hate the place - but I really like it as well, and don't want to live anywhere else.

I've really enjoyed all the Barbemeets I've gone to. It was one of the main things that made me start contributing to the board - all these cool people! In London!! Though the mad thing about Barbemeets is there's often so many people, you're halfway through an interesting conversation, and you're like - who's that? Oh, I've got to rush to the next table to begin to interrogate (say) Bengali in Platforms re. some random thread topic or another. Theres always the sensation of not having talked to someone who you wanted to have a chat to.

There's a definte tendency for the "Drunken Magicians" splinter group to form a side meeting/sub-commitee, normally consisting of myself, Gypsy Lantern, Ghadis and Bill Posters, to settle important topics such as "wtf is Kenneth Grant on about" and so on.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:31 / 20.04.03
Don't worry, Stoatie, I think I've alienated myself from the majority of people who were at that party since then anyway...
21:50 / 20.04.03
I would get so thoughroughly confused about who everyone was, coz in general i read indiscriminately, and tend not to even read who posted them. But id imagine they would b groovy, again, if i didnt live in such a fucking stupid place. xx

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