quote:Originally posted by [Your Name Here]:
This is probably more of a conversation topic, but it's got activist overones.
What do you do, if anything, and why? And what aren't you doing that you wish you could or support but can't?
I don't which is more depressing: that this thread has been rotted and ignored already, or that my answer to the first of the questions above is so pathetic.
Honestly, I'm not doing all that much... except I guess maybe trying to (re-?)educate myself, and spread certain kinds of information to others. And I guess I engage sometimes in what could be called 'support' for other people (both individuals and groups) who are playing a more active role in trying to get make themselves heard or change things: I won't pretend that this support is very significant, ie it's not my money or resources or even much of my time I'm devoting to it, but I'd like to think it's a fraction of a scale above just a vague "yeah, I agree with that" (ie sending messages of encouragement and prayers/energy (lame as that sounds), pestering the Canadian embassy after the police brutality in Quebec, trying to get the side of the story the mainstream media doesn't cover to people I know - it's not much though, is it?).
What I'm not doing is a much longer list... I'd really like to hear from people who I know are doing stuff on here, at least partly for suggestions as to where to start. |