Anyone else watching this? It's a three-parter over three consecutive nights, this evening's bit being Part 2. It's set around a Friends Reunited type reunion of a bunch of forty-year-old school friends, most (if not all) of whom have had time to develop fucking scary skeletons in their closets. It's also quite tricksy in the way it's unfolding, jumping around chronologically - with some scenes from the first part repeated and viewed in a wholly different light now the backstory's developed...
I initially thought it'd be a sort of 'Cold Feet: The Phantom Menace' but it's turning out to be much, much darker than that. It's more like a chillier, bleaker 'This Life' with the occasional disturbing injection of 'Jam'. Oh, and Eddie Izzard's in it, in perhaps his first half-convincing role.
Anyone else seen it? |