The “War on Terrorism” - angst is all part of the millennia-old game “Take Care & Control”. This is definitely NOT New World Order, but the oldest of Old World Orders. What is the perfect fascist state? The state that keeps itself in a constant state of war. War against outer enemies [“terrorists”, “radicals” or “space aliens”], war against it´s own criminals and, ultimately against it´s own folks. The result is paranoia, fear of the “other one”, thus separation from the Spiritual Whole in favor of a hive-like, programmed mass; a need for führers who are in control of things; censorship not only on deeds, but also words [written, spoken, e-mailed, spraypainted] and, last not least, on thoughts. -- Perhaps there will be some little automatic electro therapy via your internal brain-chip, when you think “BOMB!” while looking at a passing by jumbo jet. ;-) And so you better don´t think at all; there are those in Control who will do it better for you.
(But, ok, if I would have chosen to be a security officer at Lufthansa, for instance, that man´s comment would have pissed me off, alright. On the other hand, if I would have chosen to become a samurai, I´ll have to reckon that there could be the possibility of loosing my head.)
“I want to be a number.” (Ragged Robin)
P.S.: But then, after all, who will be spraypainting “King Mob” on all these cold steel walls? |