Annoyingly, you don't even have to be a resident to enter this, so I'm posting the info for all you aspiring playwrights.
"Write a King's Cross play! Celebrating the spirit of regeneration in the area is the theme of this playwriting competition open to new and established writers submitting plays of 45 minutes and over. Prize £500 and professional production. www.thecourtyard.org.uk, the Courtyard Theatre 020 7833 0870. Deadline Monday April 14th."
I want to enter this, because I'm a local and because it's free. But how on earth do I celebrate an area notorious for its whores, drugs and extreme mankiness without mentioning these things? Believe me, if you're writing even half realistically about King's Cross you can't avoid it.
I need ideas that say "regeneration" to you. Unless you're going to use them yourselves, of course. So far the only idea I've had is to set the play in a massage parlour. Back to the drawing board ... |