I dunno... Remember that mother in Toronto who watered down her son's formaula too much because she couldn't be bothered to read the directions? When he died he was two or three pounds lighter than he had been at birth, and she had noticed the weight loss, and a lack of energy, but claimed she didn't know he was really in trouble. I wanted her to rot in jail. (Didn't happen.) The bond between a parent and a child should be the strongest we ever experience in our lives, and lots of children are pretty much vegan for the first year or so of their lives (lactose intolerant children who consume soy formula), and they are fine. The parents had to have known that there was something terribly wrong with their daughter, and they did nothing - I mean, she was toothless, underweight, and well behind in the standard of development. They seem more caught up in their beliefs than in the well-being of their child. I can't say for sure that a 25 year sentence is appropriate, but if it will keep them from doing this sort of harm again (they also have an infant son), well, I can live with that. People don't tend to change their behaviour when it comes to their personal beliefs just because you tell them that it's harmful. The mother doesn't trust traditional medicine, so until social services intervened, the child was never seen by a doctor. And she only spoke to a nutritionist about her homemade formula after her daughter was taken away. Everything points to complete and utter negligence, coupled with indifference. If she had left her daughter out in the cold every night and claimed she didn't know it was harmful, there would be no debate about the degree of guilt - why would she assume that a concoction of "coconut milk, pecans, hazelnuts, ground soybeans and 16 herbs" would sustain a child, without maybe trying it out on herself for a week or two first to see how it made her feel? Or maybe consulting a textbook - she has taken science courses at college. Suffice it to say I'm more than a little angry about the actions of these parents (particularly the mother, since the father is bordering on mental retardation). And as a strict vegetarian, I'd like to point out that I plan to leave the decision about consuming meat and animal products up to my future kids; it's not really up to me to deny them food. |