Of course we need the Tories - A; to give a wider range of voices to parliament and act as a brake on New Labour;
and B; We still need someone to hate. It's been so bloody hard the last few years trying to summon up the anger I had against Thatcher - writing letters to her when I wasd 8 about nuclear disarmament, etc etc.
This is not to say I love Blair - he has buggered the country as much as anyone - but that I have that crushing feeling that, as Kylie once said, Better the Devil You Know and all that...
But what we really need, more than ever, is a new political party (not a movement, an actual party) to start kicking back against the pricks. Single-issue politics, such as GM, globalisation et cetera, are fine but they split a unified vision.
(Cue loads of "it's us" comments from SWP, Greens, Socialist Alliance etc. I said a NEW party) |