summat i wrote. i'm not one for grammar or spelling n stuff. just wanted some feedback. cutting criticism will not hurt my feelings 
my friend Tiger has these special glasses that he wears all the time. he sits at a table outside of a starbucks and watches the world go by. he told me straight to my face once or twice there's magic in his eyes. see, these glasses give what you might call a unique perspective, no lie.
now observe Tiger Tiger watching the world pass, all the people of london becoming clear to him through the prism tinted glasses. superimposed on these ordinary people are magical digits of spiralling numbers, some red, some black, all diferent hues and shades. lovely as a oil-spill rainbow.
these strange numbers seem to drag these strange people, hover in front of them, never quite in reach. guiding them through the grot and refuse of the city, ever changing are the numbers, varying according to some manic whim.
watch this fellow here, resplendant in a bowler and suit, feet drag dragging along the pavement not a hope in his city world. his numbers are bold and black and there're ever so many of them, a big fat string bulging along and this guy's dying, no mistaking that is there?
see this young lady, skirts and dreads and sniffles, threadbare like a carpet on an old cafes floor. her numbers deep scarlet and its quite an impressive string as well. no less dreadful she. glazed up eyes that are bloodshot, strangely like the glasses tint.
watch with me and my friend Tiger as we watch the people go by. all of them enslaved by their numbers and none of them happier than these.
my friend Tiger he wears his special glasses, all day we drink tea. and the only numbers Tigers never told are the numbers that hang over me. |