Jim Carrey has been accused by ex-wife Melissa of not providing
enough child support for their daughter.
How can he expect his child to survive on a measly $10,000-a-month? This is the question posed by ex-wife Melissa Carrey, who claims in a court bid the paltry child support 'is not sufficient' to meet the needs of teenage daughter Jane.
The court papers provide quite an insight into Hollywood lifestyle and can be found here.
Also Jim Careys salary can be found at the bottom of this href="http://us.imdb.com/Bio?Carrey,%20Jim">page.
All in all its quite sad! It comes across to me that the daughter Jane is most probably highly embarressed by all this. She is now 15 and quickly approaching 18 which means that the $10,000 a month will soon be cut off from ex-wife Melissa. I doubt any extra cash would ever reach her daughter. |