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Orson Welles' last film

Brigade du jour
23:24 / 30.03.03
No, don't get excited, fellow anoraks, it's not footage of some lost Welles classic that he never managed to squeeze past an unforgiving studio. I'm talking about Transformers: The Movie, in which he characterised the voice of the mighty, planet-sized villain Unicron.

Just wondered if anybody wanted to rest here a moment and reflect upon this 1986 animated gem in all its US-money, Japanese-talent glory.

So, go on ahead, and no I don't expect this to be a particularly popular thread! Hey that rhymes.
Foust is SO authentic
00:07 / 31.03.03
The thing I remember is the way they stuffed in every single character that ever existed, and then, with nary a look back, killed a lot of them. Well, ok. They looked back. They brought Prime back. But Rodimus was a loser.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
02:41 / 31.03.03
I liked it because it was a cartoon charecter saying "shit" for the first time in my world.

Also, ever notice how some of the chars would be seen on a ship crashing, then also on the group watching it crash...
the film had many levels...

none of which were editing or continuity.

Bah weep granah weep nini bong
09:29 / 31.03.03
Unsurpisingly, I love this film! The opening sequence with Unicron eating a planet, including it's clearly terrified citizens, is excellent. Love it, love it, love it!

Only slight critism would be that once Unicron transformed, he seemed smaller and less of a threat.

(For those interested, they're making a toy Unicron!)
Gary Lactus
14:36 / 31.03.03
This film was remarkable not only for Orson Wells' profound performance but also for the "stirring rock soundtrack"(quoting the video box) which featured the ground-raking track "You've got the touch". This song later turned up in Boogie Nights as Dirk Diggler's ticket to rock stardom. I was stirred on both occasions.
16:20 / 31.03.03
Staggering film. The fight between Prime and Megatron is second only to Superman vs Clark Kent in Superman III.

I will sleep with anyone who can get me a decent quality copy of the soundtrack.
17:34 / 31.03.03
I think I gave mine to a partner - soundtrack that is. But I can still tell you that the song is called The Touch, by Stan Bush.

Who am I kidding? I know almost every word of the verdampt thing...

Meanwhile, the film was, of course, primarily useful as a showpiece for the sexually ambiguous charms of Ultra Magnus. How can such a big guy seem so...ephebic?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:44 / 31.03.03
nevermind the 80s rock version of the transformers theme by Lion!
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
16:59 / 01.04.03
The DVD of this is so worth it. Best film ever.
09:27 / 02.04.03
I've never seen the movie but that song rocks, you can get the lyrics and a little bit of the song (click the piano) here -

The Touch

Can't beat your cheesy 80's rock, not quite in the league of Karate Kid though IMO
The Strobe
09:59 / 02.04.03
Which reminds me of the greatest movie trivia question ever, which we was the tie breaker in a recent local film quiz and my team got wrong, namely:

What links Transformers: The Movie and Boogie Nights?

the answer, of course, being that both feature The Touch on the soundtrack.
The Strobe
10:01 / 02.04.03
And which fact someone has already pointed out.

If only I'd read this thread two months ago.
15:44 / 02.04.03
The DVD of this is so worth it. Best film ever.

Any special features? I mean, be sides the movie itself?

Has anyone seen the Armada cartoon? Any good?
The Falcon
15:55 / 02.04.03
Cleverly disguised.

I've probably watched this film more than any other film ever, and I've still never seen Cliffjumper (I think) saying 'shit.'
16:06 / 02.04.03
Get the DVD and watch the music video which has sampled Hot Rod saying "Oh shit, what do we do now?" over and over. S'funny.

The Armada cartoon is too focused on the kids and is generally not very good (but the, neither was the original series, in all fairness).

Although I did catch the end of one episode that seemed entirely focused on the internal politics of the Decepticons and showed various characters manipulating their collegues to various ends (in a non-sexual way) that seemed interesting. If they actually do introduce Unicron, I'll be interested to see what they do with him.
17:25 / 02.04.03
AFAIK...the dvd is still full frame and not widescreen which is regretable. Didn't check to see if there were any other features on the disc besides the ones mentioned.
rizla mission
11:55 / 03.04.03
Watched Transformers: The Movie with housemates a few months ago.

Amazing in so many ways .. not least the fact that I subconsciously knew every single line of dialogue in a forgotten-childhood-memory way..

I still can't believe they killed Starscream..

..but then, he was responsible for jettisoning all the wounded Decepticons into space .. but still y'know, it's not a morality issue, he was just one of the most interesting and complex characters in the whole sorry saga, and Galvatron just blasts him.. for shame!

And what about the junkbots? When I was little I saw them as being like super-cool mongol biker robots or something, an impression which is utterly ruined by the fact that bloody Eric Idle does their voices..
although that bit where they all start doing that crazy disco dancing and somebody kisses Grimlock ("Me Grimlock no kiss! Me Grimlock am KING!") - fantastic! I nearly wet myself..

And soundtrack wise, the music that plays over the end credits is the best bit - an absolutely jaw-droppingly incredible display of skrieking, multi-leveled guitar soloing which defies all belief..
The Falcon
12:14 / 03.04.03
Junkions... please.

Yeah, I've seen the DVD with that bit; just thought it was in the actual film.

Starscream is my favourite Decepticon; nay, transformer.
Spatula Clarke
14:32 / 03.04.03
They brought him back to life afterwards. Well, kinda.

Film not as good as comic stories that grew out of it.
17:25 / 03.04.03
Yep...Starscream became a Ghost Robot hanging out in Unicron's head...till he was eventually given form (if I remember correctly).

As far as favorite...Soundwave has got to be the best..."Decepticons superior, Constructicons inferior." And having Ravage, Lazerbeak, Rumble, etc. in your chest...
21:21 / 03.04.03
Film not as good as comic stories that grew out of it.

Grimlock impression?
rizla mission
08:58 / 04.04.03
Only if it started "Me Grimlock say..".

I love the bits in the comics where Grimlock starts sentences like that and goes on to say quite complex things..

Yep...Starscream became a Ghost Robot hanging out in Unicron's head...till he was eventually given form (if I remember correctly).

Now I come to think of it, I've got an episode of the post-Movie Transformers on video where Starscream's haunting the Decpeticons.

There's a bit where Scourge (i think) turns to the camera and says in a profound manner;

"Since when do ghosts spin silently through space?"

What a question.
Brigade du jour
01:17 / 08.04.03
Thanks for all the details I'd entirely forgotten about dudes - Cliffjumper said shit? Wow man. Mind you, if anyone was going to sweat it had to be Cliffjumper. Or maybe Ironhide.

Or Starscream.
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