France and Russia certainly did have unofficially official oil deals with Iraq, but that's not really all that important - it's not a reason to invade the place, and just because those nations may have selfish reasons to be against the war is not a reason to be for it. I have selfish reasons to be against the war, to whit, it's futile and will make matters worse (for me), it won't stop terrorism or (as far as I can see) diminish the risk of terror groups getting their hands on WMD, which, in Scott Ritter's opinion as expressed in his latest handbook on this dumbass war, the Iraqis probably don't have.
For stuff by Ritter (who is both a former Marine and Weapons Inspector) go to Amazon - the latest is 'War On Iraq'.
Try John Pilger and George Monbiot for further good stuff.
You could quote US Senator John Byrd if anyone questions your 'patriotism', and John Brady Kiesling - a US diplomat who has served around the world, and is accounted an expert - if anyone goes after your opinions as naive. Kiesling is not alone - as you can see. It's also worth pointing out that Harlan Ullman, the originator of 'shock and awe' went on record on the March 26th edition of the BBC's 'The Moral Maze' radio show, saying that he was not in favour of the war and also that what was happening was not what he had proposed when he propounded the doctrine.
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