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It's Oscar Time! (Yeah. Great.)


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The Strobe
22:13 / 24.03.03
Well, I just saw some of the BBC1/Johnathon Woss highlights... and they had Linda "Exorcist" Blair and John "Gimli/Sallah but more to the point Paladin in Wing Commander 3" Rhys-Davis passing comment, neither of whom are exactly top notch actors or A-list, you know...

but what the hey.
Spatula Clarke
22:39 / 24.03.03
HunterWolf is Alex Cox and I claim my £5.
22:45 / 24.03.03
fictitious election results! a fictitious president!
fictitious documentaries!
Jack Fear
23:43 / 24.03.03
HunterWolf is Alex Cox and I claim my £5.

I wouldn't give you five pence for this piece of shit.

And I like Alex Cox, even Straight To Hell.
03:32 / 25.03.03
In the meantime, Harvey shows that he's got his finger on the pulse of American theatergoers with his assessment of the failure of Gangs of New York, quoted in the NYT:

""Our campaign was always based on getting people in to see the movie, and we simply could not get women into the theater to see it," Mr. Weinstein said. "It was too bloody and violent."

Though the same article reports his intentions to quickly produce another musical, I think Harvey's time would be better spent trying to make a film that will lure the squeamish, fair sex - something about sewing perhaps, starring Gweneth Paltrow...

What's that? View From The Top? Oh, my...
10:11 / 25.03.03
Saw the edited highlights last night. Loved the bit where they had an apparently random selection of previous winners lined up on stage like a bunch of coconuts at a fairground. I assume it was something to do with the 75th anniversary, but couldn't figure out the selection criteria. "These are the people who won the 'best performance' award who are still alive"?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:48 / 27.03.03
Adrien Brody - definitely his "moment". He's a mack, innit?

Michael Moore - gah, "fictition"? Oh dear.

'Lose Yourself' - most deserved Oscar of the night, fuck haterz.

'Adaptation' - robbed!
14:21 / 28.03.03
Loved the fact that Eminem not only gets plaudits for his surprisingly good performance in 8 Mile, but then gets an Oscar for his song - which is, in my opinion, the best thing he's ever done.

Adrian Brody came across very well. Michael Moore, as you've all said, did not - I appreciated the sentiment, though, and it must have taken quite a lot of guts.

And as long as the Academy didn't do a Pacino, and give Scorcese an award for a bad film to recognise his good work, I'm happy,
00:33 / 29.03.03
I think Michael Moore was just extraordinarily nervous - unsurprising given that he was about to do something controversial, live in front of an audience of over 40 million people. He's said before that he gets jittery just interviewing people for his films. I don't think he believes "fictition" is a real word - he was trying to say "fiction" but because he'd already said "fictitious" a few times he stumbled over it. Could have happened to anyone.

Yeah, unfortunately he's not the most glamourous or eloquent person to have made the statement, but that's always been part of his schtick - he's Joe Average, the common man. I'm glad that he had the balls to do it.

The Bowling For Columbine debunkery at the link above is fascinating. I see the film in a different light now...
05:57 / 29.03.03
I completely agree, I mean put yourself in his place: you've just won a oscar, and then you've got to try to get your message across. definitely a lot harder than it sounds.
and ah well, daniel-day lewis got six other awards and already won a oscar so...but still, he was the best and it sounded to me like he'd gotten the most applause in that place-man he is so cool.
06:11 / 29.03.03
"Was it appropriate? To me, the inappropriate thing would have been to say nothing at all or to thank my agent, my lawyer and the designer who dressed me -- Sears Roebuck. "

Somehow, it's the Sears thing that makes it all makes sense. And thanks, MJ-12, for posting the link about the fictitiousnesses (heh) of Moore's work. Many of the insights/accusations therein were simplistic propaganda; some were disturbing, and bear further investigation.
07:53 / 29.03.03
Okay, well here's me all embarrassed, cos "Walker" is one of my all-time favourite films. (Sorry, Jack...)

I think Moore's problem is that, as has been mentioned in another thread (I forget which) he is basically, just a geek. Good on him for saying what he did... the fact that he didn't say it very well is, really, neither here nor there. Not being an actor, he's not trained to do this shit. (Pretty much my feelings about his live London show, actually- I was in full agreement, and liked the guy, but couldn't help thinking "well, he's not really in his element here, is he?")

Maybe I'm just bitter cos I got passed over for Best Actress. Again .
The Strobe
08:28 / 29.03.03
I can just second this - Moore is a very nervous man. He explained in conference that the tone you often get in his films - where he appears reverential, or slow, or just quiet, isn't because he's trying to make an effect, but because he's genuinely nervous - as any normal person would be. Sometimes, perhaps, it takes more than the 'average joe' to say these things - but all credit to him for the balls, as Cameron said.
The Apple-Picker
11:35 / 29.03.03
But back to Nicole Kidman: I thought Denzel said "By a nose." Didn't he?

I would have loved to see someone try to retract the mic into the floor during Brody's speech. He'd grab it and wrestle it, rip it out of it's stand to give his speech. Then it could have rivaled Sean Connery's outfit.
Matthew Fluxington
12:07 / 29.03.03
He did say "by a nose".

If he hadn't, the joke would have made no sense at all.
12:09 / 29.03.03
But they weren't booing because of his embarassing speach. They were booing because they were programmed to.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:58 / 29.03.03
Hmm. Except that it was a couple of union boys out back near a mic that were booing, not the main auditorium. They were probably booing because they weren't on break, or something...

To be honest, I think it's a lot less about programming and more about whether people think Moore's an asshole or not. Everything doesn't have to have some kind of NLP reasoning behind it.
15:16 / 29.03.03
Everything doesn't have to be immensely serious either.

Though it sounded like more than a couple of people were booing.
Matthew Fluxington
17:55 / 29.03.03
Fuck "programming". That's bullshit.

People have every right to disapprove of Moore's politics if they don't share them, and people who have the same politics have every right to think he was acting in a very embarassing way. And both of those points of view have nothing to do with 'programming'.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:27 / 29.03.03
"Sounded like" largely being because, as I believe had been reported, tthe people backstage booing were closer to the floor mics than anyone in the crowd. Which obviously will get picked up a lot more.
08:26 / 30.03.03
Adrien Brody managed an amazing performance AND a beautiful acceptance. Which is more than most recent Oscar winners can claim.

(I didn't have high hopes for this year until 'Spirited Away' won the first award and I nearly leapt out of my seat from excitement.)

And whoever was mocking Eminem's win: are you fucking kidding me? Did you want that dreadful Paul Simon "tune" to win? Did you want to see Bono making more speeches than he already does? And beyond me being petty and tired of the same old shit, "Lost Yourself" was by far the best of the nominated songs. I just wish Eminem had been there to perform it. Now THAT would have been interesting.
08:27 / 30.03.03
Ha, I know, I look so clever when I bitch and make typos. Go me.
03:03 / 01.04.03
You trying to tell me something about something? I wonder how much shit would be started if I used the word "drone" here. Culturally Correct doesn't even begin to define this, blippo. I think I'm going to be sick, Granny Jibbins.

Moore is a giant frog fucker. The Oscar crew was wired with wires trasmitting "boo" messages to the mouthic areas of the seat occupied residents at the location of the ceremony. Objections related to these revelations shall be showered with bath tubs of "drone on the phone" rings. If you're so beyond being beyond everything: what are you doing eating your own rhetorical socks?

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