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I am shocked and awed!

16:10 / 21.03.03
Holy Shit! We just slammed Baghdad. Give thanks that we're not living in a warzone. I feel sorry for all those families...

The CNN feed was mad with carnage.

I am an American. But I am not the U.S. Government. I deplore this military action.
16:17 / 21.03.03
I'm seeing this on telly right now. I'm shocked. Awed. Pissed off.
Jesus, this is horrible.
16:22 / 21.03.03
The ((( SOUND )))...awful.
Ray Von
16:53 / 21.03.03
Well. Theres your weapons of mass destruction alright! Horrible.
Mourne Kransky
17:37 / 21.03.03
Horrible, all of it.

Find myself awed by the war correspondents and wondering what drives a person to put themselves right in the middle of that, when they have a choice? Watching Rageh Omaar as Baghdad blows up around him and thinking "Run, run, while you still can!" Brave and necessary people.
17:15 / 27.03.03
Rageh Omaar, jees those guys must have balls, to be there when they dont have to be. If i heard any vaguely "bang"-esque noise, id be out the country. And whats more, his name sounds like "Raggy" so he must be cool.
Im shocked and awed about how they can so grossly ignore public opinion. Dummasses.
Mr Tricks
17:37 / 27.03.03
For any of you interested in hearing some accounts from Civilians rather than emfuckin'beded reports check out KPFA internet radio.

They've got people phoning in from BAGDAD with play by plays...

Mr Tricks
17:51 / 27.03.03
Civiiian Body count so far...

document.write(" "width='136' height='28' border='0' " +
23:09 / 28.03.03
>> rumsfeld's laughter (mp3)

yeah i know it's blue
and it's kinda catchy too
but is it really true?
does it really suit you?

not the pope, not nelson - not even desmond tutu
not the one love for true - so what you gonna do?

is this really it?
is it what we're after?
way down here,
deep in rumsfeld's laughter

but man, even putin
even putin's disputin
all this dirty convolutin
and the backward computin

of what you can manage
the collateral damage
how you can mount her
and that corporate bean counter

not the pope, not nelson - not even desmond tutu
not the one love for true - so what you gonna do?

is this really it?
is it what we're after?
way down here,
deep in rumsfeld's laughter
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