
Oops. Sorry. Completely forgot to answer you there.
This is from Comics Continuum.
Chabon noted that he has done his first comics writing, for the JSA: All-Stars mini-series next year from DC Comics.
"I agreed to do it because they gave me a chance to write one of my favorite costumed super-hero characters, Mr. Terrific," Chabon told his Ann Arbor audience. "If you don't know about Mr. Terrific, and I'm not making this up, he has no powers. He has no powers. But he is really good at stuff. On his chest instead of the usual symbol, he has the words, 'Fair Play.' It's kind of a Wes Anderson kind of a character.
"So I asked if he was taken - because this is sort of a book where there are different writers for different characters -- and when they said he was still available, I said I'd do it.
"What I wrote about was Mr. Terrific's younger brother, who was not so terrific, and what it's like to have Mr. Terrific as a brother."
Chabon's story will appear in the second issue and will be drawn by Michael Lark.
I always liked Mr. Terrific, ever since I saw him in an issue of Who's Who. Anyone who wears the words "fair play" on their chest is alright by me.
I just did a little digging, and the mini-series is supposed to start up in May. Chabon's back-up was slated for issue #2, but it appears that Sale and Loeb have been given that issue. The DC previews only go up to June, so I have no idea when Chabon's back-up will come out.
John Cassady is doing the covers.