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How To Oppose The War According To The World

08:46 / 20.03.03
In Denmark:

Our Prime Minister has lovely, lovely red paint thrown upon him. See photo.
Our lying, untrustworthy Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller also caught some paint, but who cares about that weasel at the mo'?

SMS messages are flying around "Boycott U.S. goods", "emonstrate against the war" and the official demonstration is at 20:00 hours here.

Some activists are planning to hit the economical structure by blocking public transportation roads, like those of trains. Police are extra alert, they say, everywhere, they say.

What's happening where you are?
13:08 / 20.03.03
This is one of the many things happening in London:

Taken from

"Noisy demonstrators today gave Foreign Secretary Jack Straw a rude awakening outside his London home.

Holding banners, shouting slogans and blaring air raid sirens from 6.30am, protesters claimed they briefly blockaded the roads surrounding his home in Hanover Gardens, Oval.

Mr Straw, who usually leaves his house at 7.15am, finally managed to by-pass the demonstrators at 7.45am, organisers said.

Pledge of Resistance was joined by various Stop the War Coalition demonstrators, anti-war individuals and representatives from Arrow - Active Resistance to the Roots of War.

Nick Buxton, organising today's wake-up call, said: "We got the message across that the war is going to have a very huge humanitarian impact and people are angry about this war.

"We managed to blockade the two roads (Jack Straw) could leave from."

The protesters also acted out a die-in at the end of Mr Straw's road, where they dressed in fake blood-stained clothes and blasted air raid sirens as a reminder of the reality of war."


Tonight a number of us are heading to Parliament Square outside of our House of Parliament to protest and there is a march planned for Saturday.

Keeping the pressure on!
13:10 / 20.03.03
Oooops, the Jack Straw Wake-up actually happened on Wednesday! Sorry about that!
14:08 / 20.03.03
Here, from the BBC reporter weblog, cited elsewhere on the site:

Rome :: David Willey :: 1315GMT

In towns and cities all over Italy, students were out on the streets in their thousands, holding peace flags and carrying anti-war banners.

Police in riot gear turned a student march away from the heavily-guarded American embassy in Rome.

More students staged a sit-in outside the Nato headquarters in Naples. Eggs were thrown at the British consulate in Venice and police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators.

The Vatican later issued a statement expressing deep pain at the outbreak of war, criticising both the United States and Iraq.


Amman, Jordan :: Hugh Sykes :: 1310GMT

An anti-war demonstration by about 300 members of the Jordanian Bar Association - most of them smartly dressed lawyers wearing long camel-hair coats - has been attacked by riot police.

At least four of these lawyers were injured. I saw three of them in the hospital and though the injuries are not serious and they are outpatients, one man had clearly been hit over the legs by a police truncheon, both knees bruised and bloody.

odd jest on horn
06:36 / 21.03.03

2000 people protested downtown Reykjavik at 17:30 of the 20th. There had been leaflets and announcements on the internet for a few weeks that there would be a protest at the next 17:30 after the bombing started. There was also a smaller group at Akureyri, the biggest town in the north of Iceland.

To show the enormity of the protests 2000 people is slightly less than 1% of the nation :-)

A group of four people had thrown red paint at the House of Ministries around 45 minutes before the protests were scheduled. This was in protest of our Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and Prime Minister declaring that Iceland was part of the war. Most of the protesters applauded the action or at least looked at it with a big grin on their face. My mother-in-law, who wasn't at the protest, laughed out loud when watching the news. The people who did it have not been caught.

Around 5 minutes before the protest was scheduled, a group of twenty people staged a die-in in front of said building. There were no attempts to remove them by the police.

The protest was a wide coalition of groups. All the political parties not in government spoke out against it, and one of them spoke against the UN sanctions. That party has recently climbed from around 7% to 14%, mostly benefitting from their strong anti-war and pro-environment stance. There was also a priest who spoke against the war. After formal protest there was a young rapper who absolutely said everything there needed to be said, ending with firing the PM and the MoFA on our behalf :-) He got a great cheer.

The protests themselves were peaceful, no civil disobedience even.

The media coverage was very sympathetic, even the Head of the police, when interviewed, had the decency to not try to connect the paint job to either the protesters or the die-in.

You have to select "fimmtudag" and "19:00" at the top most logo. It will be there until next thursday. The news item starts at 7 minutes 30 secs, with dramatic footage of the die-in.

Me and my friends started a chain letter on tuesday to spam the MoFA, dug up all the email addresses there, sent those and a 250K gif picture with the chain letter to use in the spam. According to people I've polled, the letter spread like wild fire. I personally didn't send the spam until wednesday, and got an out of office reply 14 hours later, so we deemed the action a success. No media coverage though, not surprisingly.

There have been emails all over the place to boycott US goods. Afforementioned mother-in-law is not gonna buy any US goods until the war stops and all her female friends are doing the same.

How Iceland got directly involved in the war:
The Icelandic people got the news from the American Embassy that we were part of the 30 countries that were supporting it on tuesday. The MoFA gave a press release to that effect an hour later. There have been theories that our PM or MoFA was phoned up when Bulgaria refused to be on the list, and he gave his consent. There was a 100 people protest at 9:30 on wednesday, blocking the MoFA from leaving the House of Ministries.


However, Boucher later amended the list at his daily news briefing, removing Bulgaria and adding Iceland.

It was not clear why the change was made, particularly because Bulgaria supported the now-withdrawn US-British-Spanish proposed resolution in the UN Security Council resolution that would have authorized force against Iraq.
Bill Posters
06:59 / 21.03.03
Brussels has copped it a bit, in a violent, stone McD's kinda way. Not sure how useful that was. Also can't help noting that 'Ay-rabs' get singled out for the blame and feeling rather sus about that bit of the report.

The thing that's surprising me about the UK is that so many schoolchildren have been demonstrating. At times the police have been nasty (or so I hear) but the crazy kids jus don't seem to care.
07:56 / 21.03.03
Stoke Newington Town Hall yesterday noon was a sight for sore eyes- pretty much an entire school blocking off the road (yeah, most of 'em probably just thought it was more fun than Geography, but a lot seemed sincere), followed by an amusing bus journey from said bit of road surrounded by little old ladies all being very disapproving and saying "what's was got to do with buses anyway?" One woman actually started arguing, but they weren't having none of it. Then I stood up, turned round and shouted "damn right!" in response to one of her points, and they all shut up. (I'm not scary, am I?)

Parliament Square was packed out last night too. I heard on the radio that the cops were getting a bit heavy with schoolkids in the early afternoon, but, as Bill says, it didn't seem to stop 'em.
07:57 / 21.03.03
Stoke Newington Town Hall yesterday noon was a sight for sore eyes- pretty much an entire school blocking off the road (yeah, most of 'em probably just thought it was more fun than Geography, but a lot seemed sincere), followed by an amusing bus journey from said bit of road surrounded by little old ladies all being very disapproving and saying "what's war got to do with buses anyway?" One woman actually started arguing, but they weren't having none of it. Then I stood up, turned round and shouted "damn right!" in response to one of her points, and they all shut up. (I'm not scary, am I?)

Parliament Square was packed out last night too. I heard on the radio that the cops were getting a bit heavy with schoolkids in the early afternoon, but, as Bill says, it didn't seem to stop 'em.
Bill Posters
08:27 / 21.03.03
In Flowers' words (from the Late Shift thread in the Conv) fucking hell.

(I'm not scary, am I?)
12:00 / 21.03.03
Denmark produced 10,000 protesters on the 20th, last night, over 30 cities. The largeest gathering attracted 3000-3500 people, in Copenhagen, by the city hall.

58 activists were arrested and subsequently released for having occupied the roof of a marine building. Others took to blocking certain roads throughout the day.

Mass demonstrations are going to be continued over the days.

It's to become fiercer, have you guys thought about how long this might last? Hint: when it has, to this point, involved pretty much every nation of the earth, the repercussions are going to be lasting.

What really frustrated me about the coverage was the fact that our news channels showed Pentagon released footage for most of the beginning - birdy tells that in the coming days, someone, somehow will release the true extent of what has happened, which will further enrage the protesters.

Peace out.
12:10 / 21.03.03
Heads told get those kid's to stop protesting and back at school I say good on em' .

It says that about half of the 3000 plus demonstrators at Westminster yesterday were school kids, this is about right from what I saw during the day. Very surreal to see all these kids in school uniforms running around protesting. Best bit was whe the sit downs started, some of them starte dto run around randomly attracting a whole bunch and then they charged into the street and started the sit down. Police were completely taken by suprise and started dragging them out and then they just jumped up and ran to the opposite side of the square and did it again . Wish most protests had that energy.

The evening demo was very cool as well, things had chilled out by then and there were a few sound systems along with a band. Angel's friend Jill ended up doing anti war face paint for a whole bunch of people. I'll try and stick the picture of a face painted Stoatie with an anti-war Bagpuss up later
We stayed until the police started clearing the square after a whole load of people march on down to Scotland Yard with the Band.
bio k9
21:49 / 21.03.03
"Jody Mason of Olympia is locked to the Washington State Grange office building Tuesday to protest war. He intended to chain himself to a federal Department of Energy office building, but discovered he was at the wrong location."
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