BARBELITH underground

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Glasgow born and glasgow living


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Char Aina
13:36 / 16.03.03
i am the titular character of this thread, and was wondering how many others on here fit the description. (and thats twice in two days i have used the word titular... i find that strange...)

so, whos all a weegie?

i know duncan f., yawn and meme b. are hanging about scottish, but i was wondering if there are any others.


lets have a summit!
15:07 / 16.03.03
How about you sell the idea of glasgow to us
15:38 / 16.03.03
Well, I'm Scottish, from Lanarkshire, but I'm down in London so the summit would be a bit tricky.
Char Aina
15:40 / 16.03.03
well, i would if i could...

its a bit shite frankly, the only thing it has going for it is that its not as shite as most other places.

there is a good solid feel of warmth from most quarters, we have all the traditional stereotypical drunkards and comedians, and even the resultant fighting, but not as much as we would tell the english we do.

plus, if you are really cool, you could walk around trying to figure out which one is grant morrison. (he's not always bald and fresh faced, by the way)

i was really looking fo a low key meeting of the folks that are within walking distance of me, but if there is a possibility of a mass movement up here, for a party say, then i will try and think of a good reason to visit.
Char Aina
15:43 / 16.03.03
man, i wish i had found and lived on barbelith before i left london...

or possibly i did, but when i first arrived, i was entrenched in argument and prolly wouldnt have thought of meeting up. yeah, thats more likely.
15:53 / 16.03.03
I love Glasgow. Drunks bicycling into bible store windows. Stepping over used syringes and broken teeth on the streets. Everything deep-fried twice to make it extra unhealthy. It was like a larger Rose City. Felt like home.
Baz Auckland
16:02 / 16.03.03
I found Glasgow to be a lot like Southern Ontario too. I guess both were built by Scots in the 19th century, hence why Hamilton and Glasgow look alike....

My ancestors are from Glasgow. Does that count? I loved the subway when I was there. The inside looked like a 1970s donut shop.
16:41 / 16.03.03
And Welland (The Rose City) is practically a lil' version of Hamilton (The Anvil) so there ya go. Now all Glasgow needs is a Stelco, and we'd be set.
Char Aina
17:32 / 16.03.03
i am sure there will be dribs and drabs of stuff to come, but there's one more thing i do actually love about glasgow.

the underground, for its drinking game and its tickets.
for the uninitiated, there are two variations of teh clockwork orange drinking game. version one, the more 'sensible' of the two, and also the leats likely to get tyou hammered, is where you buy a day pass and grab some mates. get on the train after having met in a pub near to a station. drink one round. get on the train. go one stop. drink another round. keep doing this until the train gets back to the stop you started at. go home, and using the newly acquired underground tickets for roach, roll up and smoke up.
version two, is far cheaper in both senses of the word, but also much more fun. go to an alcohol shop, the offie. get yourself the usual amount of drink you would have for an evenings drunken debauchery. head to the nearest station. board the train, and then commence your drinking. the game is made harder by the illegality of public drinking in our fair town, which requires stealth mode to be activated at this point.(that, and also not wanting a fight or too many upset fellow passengers to ruin a nice evening).
as soon as you have finished all the bevvy, (the last to finish may be given a penalty) leave the train at the next stop and try to find your way to a pub. this part is the fun part, especially if your journey takes you to somewhere you have never been. (i have never been to kining park before now, for example)

during both games you should also try to befriend and recruit as many fellow passengers as you can, hopefully swelling your numbers to fill your own carriage.

perhaps an idea for a summit?
but then there are meek and sensitive souls who may not be comfortable with such rambunctious behaviour...

i also really like the glass bottles Barr make.
21:50 / 16.03.03
And there I was hoping you could allay the paranoid delusions of this So'ton-bounded man. Glasgow sounds like a laugh, albeit a laugh from Kafka.
Char Aina
22:41 / 16.03.03
i like the industrial nastiness as much as i love the beautiful greenery of the nearby country side, in fact i would say my love of each informs the other.
Char Aina
15:39 / 17.03.03
alright, maybe i am noty popular enough, maybe no one realised i was trying to organise a 'git tugithur', or 'barbemeet'.

perhaps a shunt to gathering, if anyone cares?

what does one do, email someone?
09:25 / 18.03.03
Hey Toksik

As a moderator of the Gathering, may I invite you to wander down to our sumptuous halls to post a get-together thread. You'll find us resplendent with the remnants of previous parties, demonstrations, theatrical happenings and all manner of barbe-gatherings, and it's the place people look for invitations to such gatherings.

See you there!
09:28 / 18.03.03
Ooops, should have been more clear about that. It's the Gathering Forum and we are found at the bottom of the main Underground page, and also at the bottom of the groovey drop down menu at the top of the page.

Once again, looking forward to seeing you there!
12:06 / 18.03.03
I'm not Scottish, in fact I'm Australian, but I love Glasgow, though unfortunately I'm no longer there so won't be available for the summit. Almost two years ago I spent two days there and fell in love with it, then just a couple of months back I got to spend two months there and had my earlier opinion confirmed. It doesn't have the postcard beauty that Edinburgh has, but it has its own style, a tough elegance. If circumstances permitted I'd move there tomorrow. I have my Glaswegian slang all ready to go.
The Falcon
17:39 / 18.03.03
I would totally be into a Glasgow meet or gathering. Bring your friends toksik, they sound fun also.

We could go down the Airches, neck copious drugs and drink, and fucking act up! SCOTLAAAND!! Etc.

I'm not kidding though. Could do it proper.
Char Aina
18:15 / 18.03.03
well, i was thinking of a bit of telly and a nice cup pf herbal tea....

fuck, best laid plans eh?

theres a new thread over in gathering if you're into it, and so far that makes two people. plus itinerant mates.
Fist Fun
18:43 / 18.03.03
I totally used to live in Glasgow. Often make it back there. Let's face it Scotland sucks though.
Char Aina
18:56 / 18.03.03
i would say there are better places, but i would also say that there are worse.
The Falcon
20:01 / 18.03.03
The country sucks. Loads of Scottish people are fucking brilliant though.
17:38 / 22.03.03
Yeah, Glesgae's great, if you avoid the hundreds of neds who proliferate every area of the city and who'd slice you up and kill/disfigure you for life cos theyre not happy bunnys...
19:18 / 22.03.03
Yeah Scotland sucks. Cant wait to get out of here: not scotland, so much, rather, the north of scotland.
Alas, Hurrah, moving to edinburgh for uni this year.... oh how glad will i be to get out of a shithole with a shed they call a post office and nothing else. O dear.
19:25 / 22.03.03
I did exactly that eight years ago, dont stop watching your back kid, theres always scum wherever you go, but take full advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, and they are more in the 'burgh, you may not get a better chance.
Char Aina
21:02 / 22.03.03
Yeah, Glesgae's great, if you avoid the hundreds of neds who proliferate every area of the city and who'd slice you up and kill/disfigure you for life cos theyre not happy bunnys...

woah! are you serious?

sure, there are fannies, but nowhere near the hundreds...proliferating every area of the city you say.
unless i am walking round with my eyes closed, or we have very different definitions of neds, i think you are exaggerating.

what happened to you to make you so feart of the 'scum'?
00:50 / 23.03.03
\\\\After a night out and the blowing it with the over firties and oveeeer 30's, bum, is all i have to say.
captain piss
10:00 / 24.03.03

ahem- sorry don't know what got into me there. I'm not sure if it really is one of the more violent cities any more. There's areas in London that I definitely wouldn't toddle through alone at night (especially if pished) while I would never have any qualms about walking around Glasgow city centre at night -it seems trouble-free.
Actually, I'm talking shite now that I think about it- have witnessed several ugly incidents in recent weeks that don't bother me that much merely because I know the place well
The Falcon
16:56 / 24.03.03
There's places you wouldnae go in any city.

Dundee is poorer and has a higher 'ned/scum' (a few of these people are my friends, and I really dislike the word 'scum' used about most people) percentage than Edinburgh, yet I managed in two years of living there (the latter) to get in more fights/aggro than I ever have in Dundee.

I think my namesake is displaying some middle-class paranoia.
Char Aina
20:32 / 24.03.03
i feel the same about the word scum.
yawn - thing's buddy
19:32 / 25.03.03
safer to meet online then.

hi everyone!
Char Aina
18:31 / 27.03.03
22:36 / 09.12.03
BUMP! {but why, they cried}
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:03 / 09.12.03
please don't hit me, i'm not scottish.

but as yawn seems to have been magically summoned here, am gatecrashing to say


and when are you heading down our way?

ok. carry on.
05:25 / 12.12.03
Currently I'm not in Scotland and I'm not Scottish...but I lived in Glasgow for about 6 months a few years ago and I loved every moment of it. For all those who say Scotland or Glasgow must be complete idiots...or even worse, wannabe elitists.
Just reflect on your contemporary writers...Alasdair Gray, Liz Lochhead, Irvine Welsh, Janice Galloway, A.L. Kennedy, Edwin Morgan. I love Scotland. Celebrate it. Don't piss on it for fucks sake! Cheers from California.
20:04 / 13.12.03
Welsh is from edinburgh and currently living in amseterdam i believe?

Not that the lives of seven randoms make a difference to the daily lives of the norms.

Grey did tell me where the toilets were in Jinty's one night mind...
Char Aina
16:35 / 11.05.05
man, scotland's best export is people.
they all leave.

so, i'm ressurecting this thread becasue i'm back on the lith, and have more free time than usual.
anyone fancy a 'barbelith in kelvingrove park' day?
i'm free until the end of this month almost every day, barring injury or sexing.


meludreen and falconer, i'm looking at you...

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