a lot of what we do, magickally or not, is, when we let ourselves really get into it, mindsex (or as Promethea would say, godsex).
When you are deeply involved in a working (again, magickal or not), you gain a sense of a push and pull of forces, pressure and looseness, rhythm, giving and receiving, I think you get the idea. For some, anything can become an erotic experience and it is a delightful way of working with energies.
in terms of using physical sex for magick-- remember, magick is about the will, and any practice, especially one like this, takes discipline of intention. I think that's what all those witholding disciplines intended to teach--control, not unnecessary restraint. because if the will is lost in passion, there goes your intent (unless the passion is the intent, in which case, have a blast).
sex magick could be useful if you especially want the process of magick to manifest in the physical world, as opposed to just the results. in this case you want to prepare yourself mentally to pay attention to what's going on.
sex could also be viewed as a learning tool--learning how to relax and direct your energies so as to achieve maximum effect. you could think of it as an allegory for a magickal working.
I've never tried any of the above, just thought that arose on the topic. if any of you try these, or already have, I would dearly like to hear how it worked out.
then again, if you're just horny, magick needn't be your excuse. in the words of american corporate gods, just do it. |