Flux, please be careful, I really don't want to know things like how the tone builds towards the end of the series. Even vague spoilers are annoying, as I've tried to keep away from all mention of the show. I *like* it to twist and turn and shock me.
See, like Fly, there's stuff I know that I really wish I didn't.
Do i take this too seriously? 
Anywaaaay... yeah, good start, nice ensemble writing and playing, one of the things I love most about The Sopranos.
And an overall point, like the way that right from episode one, we've got a really dark tone, things are going wrong all over the place.
Loved Tony's scene addressing his crew - "Frankly, I'm depressed" - as the gravy train seems to be running dry(nice touch tying it into general economic downturn), Uncle Junior's trial *and* money problems... dropping the spy/trial storyline in towards the end of the episode. Things are unravelling...
The 'chairman' speech also shows The Sopranos' ability to be subtly topical without soapboxing... also see the refs to 9/11 *not* as major political point, but in the context of everyone feeling angsty, providing backdrop to the tenseness of some of the relationships. Things feel really edgy already...
and oh, Janice, noooooooo.... not surprising but ugh... They're going to be the 'oh god, what are they going to do next' element for a good while... I'm a big Janice fan for precisely this reason...
And agree, Christopher and what's going on around him- with Adriana/her friend, the smack, his mother - which I think could be an interesting counterpoint to his 'initiation'; he's set up to be a really split personality. Which I think will be fascinating, there's so much ambiguity/possibility of ulterior motive played in right from the beginning... I'm really looking forward to seeing the rel between C and Tony develop...
Hmm, broadly agree with you, Fly, but think that Carmela's character is already pretty central again. The whole issue of being provided for, and the hidden money, was nicely played. And she's always central to Tony's rel with his family, which the dinner party scene showed in all it's 'glory'..
And right from ep.1, the therapy room space (which I always think links/contrasts with Tony and Uncle J's meetings 'at the doctor's' in a really interesting way.) and Tony's exchanges with Dr.Melfi are central again.
I've always loved this factor, it adds so much, allowing Tony to push the narrative and have big dramatic moments with speeches like the 'trust only blood' one...As well as allowing us access to a part of Tony that no-one else gets to see.
Additionally, I found Tony talking about trust, and how he trusts Dr.M, intruiging... |