How's this for a 'completely polarised, unassailable opinion': He's both. And that's why I think he works. Or why I enjoy his work.
Technically, why I enjoy his work is still largely a mystery to me. The drug references are just this side of a turn-off for me, and I know little about hip-hop culture. I catch the obscure hip-hop references, realize that they're obscure hip-hop references, and have absolutely no clue what they're referring to. But I keep reading.
I think it's the sense of authenticity. I'll go along and admit that he's a hip as fuck comic saviour, but it's the fact that he's also a mindless stoner oaf that makes it work...
I originally picked up the first trade because the art was cool, and then the owner of my store pointed out that he was from Missouri, USA. St. Louis, to be exact, and I live near St. Louis and spend a great deal of my time there. That was cool, so I picked it up. I've picked up most of his work that I can find. "Stupid Comics" had some good moments, and I'm enjoying the new Grrl Scouts, as well.
My biggest complaint... well, it's not really a complaint so much as something I noticed that maybe slightly irks me: His style changed between the series. I'm totally okay with that happening, except for the part where I think I liked the original art better.
Oh, well. Still good fun.
-Jared |