You’re entirely correct, Cholister, and here is confirmation of the American Curly Wurly.
The marathon bar was a full eight inches of braided chocolate and caramel. Introduced in 1973, the bar stood out, thanks to its bright-red package and gargantuan length. Inch markings printed on the wrapper showed that it was as long as it claimed. (The length was the result of its braided shape; it didn't weigh more than standard candy bars.) When sales didn't meet expectations, Mars Inc., took it off the shelves in 1981.

Btw, if you're ever in Edinburgh, there is a delightful chocolaterie just beyond the Netherbow down the High Street, where everything sold is either chocolate or mostly chocolate. It appears, unexpectedly perhaps, to be owned and run by a Japanese couple. Even the coffee only comes in chocolate flavours. |