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Grosse Pointe Blank

Brigade du jour
00:02 / 03.03.03
I was listening to a CD I found in the basement the other day, and they sampled John Cusack in Grosse Pointe Blank, which made me smile a lot.

My happiness subsided when, deciding I would watch it again when I got home, I remembered that a friend borrowed it and I haven't had it back yet. Bugger.

Anyway, what would cheer me up is knowing what everyone thinks about this absolutely brilliant movie which I didn't even like the first time I saw it, but which I now acknowledge as one of my all-time favourites.

Peace brothers and sisters!
00:25 / 03.03.03
How could anyone not love a heartwarming comedy about a hitman?

Actually, I've only seen it the once, and I don't remember it that well, so I may just have to get it out and watch it again.
Brigade du jour
00:51 / 03.03.03
Please allow me to recommend that you do exactly that at the earliuest possible opportunity - it rocks!

But err ... I'm afraid you can't borrow my copy. Damn. Blast. Poo.

Happy viewing!
Foust is SO authentic
03:01 / 03.03.03
I still remember the first time I saw this movie. The initial assasination scene, where Cusack picks off the guy on the bike, had me in stitches for several minutes.
The Strobe
07:11 / 03.03.03
FHTB: you're right. I really, really wanted to like it, and the first time I saw it it just didn't quite do it for me.

The second time, of course, it was fucking brilliant. It was partly greater familiarity with the soundtrack that made me enjoy it more. But yeah, it's great, and there's a surprising amount in there. There's also one of the more brutally realistic martial-arts fights in movie history in there. Ouch. Remember, kids: fight dirty.

Oh, yeah: Dan Aykroyd. Good, for once. Very good.
07:55 / 03.03.03
This is definitely one of my favourites.

I love that scene in the convenience store with the kid playing the video game oblivious to everything around him....
Also, the soundtrack is just great, Mr Cusack is charming as ever and Dan Ackroyd, well, what can I say? Fantastic!
10:25 / 03.03.03
Despite the fact I often think that attempts to marry 'people who kill other people for a living' with comedy are a mistake (see Analyse This - or rather don't), I thought this was a classy film. When I saw it at the cinema, everyone was laughing so long and loud at some of the lines that the lines after were lost in the chuckling, so a re-view was kinda compulsory.

Love the bit after the shop's blown up where he says to the cashier 'are you all right?' and he tersely responds 'no, of course I'm not ! I've gotta get another job!'. Nice lines, well played.

And I have to confess that the film influences my thinking over a school reunion which I was invited to.
Brigade du jour
22:47 / 10.03.03
Oh man, me too! I never would have gone to one on principle, but I think if I was invited now I might actually go and pretend to be something I'm entirely not. Um, not because I'm actually a hitman you understand, but I might kid on like I'm a millionaire or whatever, because they're not going to know, I haven't seen any of them in ten years.

Heh heh. There's mileage in this 'ere idea ...
02:17 / 11.03.03
The scene where he kills someone with a pen is brilliant.

Cusack said there was gonna be a sequel. I'm still waiting... enough of this "serendipity" bullshit John!

Any soundtrack that has Siouxsie & the Banshees "Cities in Dust" is worth investigating.
the rake at the gates
19:30 / 13.03.03
i loved this film, the scene where him and benny the jet kick the shit out of each other to 'mirror in the bathroom' by the beat is just brilliant, great comedy, great sound track (thanks to joe strummer r.i.p.), plus its the most nepotistic film i've ever seen, practically the entire Cusack family is in it
Brigade du jour
21:14 / 13.03.03
Yeah, even Billy-Jo Cusack, the little lame one they tend to keep quiet about.

Okay, I made that up already.
Foust is SO authentic
23:41 / 13.03.03
The song that plays over the last shot and the beginning of the credits, what is it?
Saint Keggers
00:23 / 14.03.03
Isnt that "Blister In The Sun"? by the Violent Femmes?
Brigade du jour
21:01 / 15.03.03
'Twould appear so my fine friend - that song be so dang catchy yew know?

"When I'm-a walkin'"

I love those a's added to words for no better reason than meter - it's grrrrreat!
Foust is SO authentic
23:46 / 15.03.03
Thank you kindly.

Yeah, it's hella catchy. That entire soundtrack is great.

Why do John Cusack movies have such great soundtracks? I'm thinking in particular of Grosse Pointe Blank and High Fidelity here.
The Puck
00:51 / 16.03.03
because there both films that have mostly old songs on, GPB to invoke the nostaliga reuion deal and HF cos he owns a record store. and older songs are 20 times better than most stuff now except the beatles who were rubbish

there was probably a more intresting and witty way to put that but i have a note from my mom to excuse me from witty and intresting for a bit.
Brigade du jour
02:27 / 16.03.03
You think the Beatles are rubbish? I thought I was the only one ...
The Puck
12:02 / 16.03.03
they bought a lot of enjoyment to a lot of poeple, fair play, i just think there overated, not my thing.

sorry for the threadrot
8===>Q: alyn
12:11 / 16.03.03
Grosse Point Blank was a lot of fun and it had a great soundtrack, but it was no A Fish Called Wanda, which in turn was no Pink Panther. I'm just sayin'.
Linus Dunce
12:25 / 16.03.03
Is it just me, or does anyone else find Joan r e a l l y sexy? :-)
pointless and uncalled for
13:06 / 16.03.03
She seems to be to be a really trashy version of Gillian Anderson. Which to some people is a good thing.
Brigade du jour
20:03 / 16.03.03
Yeah there's definitely Something About Joan. Especially when she trashes the office. "All riiiiiiiiiiiiight!"

Liked the fact that they weren't brother n sister in this one too. Although, are they ever brother n sister in movies? Or maybe they are in this one, I suppose it's never really addressed. Any ideas one way or the other?
Foust is SO authentic
01:25 / 17.03.03
They certainly don't interact as brother and sister - only employer and employee.

How many movies have they been in together? The only other one I'm aware of is High Fidelity, and they aren't siblings in that either.
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 17.03.03
Fom the good folks at IMDB.

1. Broadcast News (1987)
2. Class (1983)
3. Cradle Will Rock (1999)
4. Grandview, U.S.A. (1984)
5. Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
6. High Fidelity (2000)
7. Making of 'Class', The (1983) (TV)
8. Say Anything... (1989)
...aka ...Say Anything... (1989)
9. School of Rock, The (2003)
10. Sixteen Candles (1984)

10! Ten things they have been in together! Mwahahaha
Brigade du jour
21:07 / 24.03.03
Cheers Kegboy. And they were so sweet n young back then. Bless 'em!
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