Well, its judgement day and I have to declare a draw. Below are shown the four prizes, you may argue amongst yourselves as to which one you choose, what to use it for and with whom.

The prizwinners are:
Stoatie – I like your ideas for getting medieval! Sorry Potus felt it could be used as a weapon against pirates. Your parrot can cook me egg fried rice any time ze likes, as long as I can play the drum (and perhaps take up the Colonel’s recommendation lol) while I wait.
KitKat Club – I want a Thing in a Jar! That ties in with reflect and Cholister’s body part ideas too! Anyone who fancied drinking the juice in the jar would be quite welcome, after all there’s plenty to top it up with.
Xoc – You silver tongued charmer…I do fancy the idea of being a “world famous expert on and avatar of skin care”, the idea made me come over all warm and squirmy!
IgnatiusJ – I do live on a hill, the slide idea sounds fantastic. – not just for the local kids but for the elderly too (and any pirates on their early morning way home!) And running a car too…but don’t you have to add something to the oil to make it attractive to diesel engines? A sniff of ether or something? Johnny Yen, do you know more about it? Are you Welsh? Do you shop at Asda?
Thanks all. Unfortunately I cannot take up Count Adam and Perfect Tommy’s ideas for muscle beach posing ‘cos I’m kind of the wrong shape for that. I think I’d need a bikini top as well as a posing pouch you see… |