High School was definitely the worst part of my life..I was bullied 4 years, nonstop, everyday. I wasn't even the bottom of the ladder, I was buried beneath it. It was a very painful experience, since it all started the first year of high school, when my best friend (whom I had known since I was 6 years old) turned on me, made new friends (all the bullying morons) and dedicated his next 4 years to making my life miserable. I used to fake being sick to avoid going to school, I cut classes and took naps in the school's rooftop, etc. I was really miserable, even the few guys who I considered friends would turn against me when the other bullies came to bully me. I didn't get my ass kicked a lot, a few times I kicked their asses back, but it was impossible to fight 20 guys..so the worst part was the psychological bullying. They called me gay (which I'm not), throw pieces of chalk at me when the teacher wasn't looking, they would take my books and my backpack and throw them around, stole things from me,etc.
The effect of all that was of course a growing anger and self-loathing. I couldn't get out of that situation because I was too weak-minded and buried in self-loathing.
The worst part for me was that when I was in other social contexts (in clubs and places like that) I used to bully other people, I didn't want to do it, I knew I was being a moron, but maybe it was a way of getting back at them. I'm more ashamed of that than I am of being bullied, because when someone's bullying you, you always hope someone will come and stop them, or that one of them will make a stand and help you, but that never happens.
If the same thing happened to me as I am now, I would kick their collective asses, or deal with it differently. But the main thing is I think that awful experience actually helped me become a better person, by being more empathic and being able to relate to other people's problems. All my friends (most of them are from my primary school days, I only have one high school friend) now come to me for counsel, since they know I'm a good listener and all that. But at the same time, it's made me harder on the outside, which is a blessing and a curse..I don't take much crap from people but my social skills are weak, I've never had a lot of luck with women due to my lack of confidence.
But I think I took some good things out of it. I wouldn't be me if I hadn't gone through that, and while there are things I don't like about myself, I like the person I'm becoming.
But at that time, if someone had come to me with a gun and 100 untraceable bullets, I would have killed all of their bullying asses, and the teachers too, for being silent accomplices to that situation...
Thankfully, I'm over my anger issues... |