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Chris Morris' My Wrongs

16:54 / 24.02.03
Chris Morris' short film 'MY WRONGS 8245-8249 AND 117'is released on DVD today...It's based on the talking dog monologue from BLUE JAM which as everyone in the whole wide world knows is one of the best things in the world...It also won a BAFTA for best short film yesterday which is fucking hilarious when you consider that it is actually still a 15 minute 'sketch' similer to dozens of others from JAM but of course the Baftas wouldn't dream of calling it that...I'm sure Mr Morris has already come up with a number of places they can shove it...

Anyway Happy Day but actually when i come to think about it not for me because i havn't got a DVD player...

Our Lady of The Two Towers
18:36 / 24.02.03
£6.99 at but not yet in stock. wantwantwantwant...
19:29 / 24.02.03
I do believe the original short film is up on the Warp site, but that the DVD features a remix (or two) and a commentary and everyone should go out and buy it to give Warp Films money to make Warp Films make a feature length film they're planning to with Jarvis Cocker and Vincent Gallo.

But can I now just aska really pressing question: Just what the fuck is the market for short films? Who the fuck sees them and where?? They're really confusing...
Gary Lactus
19:55 / 24.02.03
They get seen mainly at festivals and sometimes late at night on TV. DVD and broadcast quality domestic set-ups are changing this. The audience for marginal film projects is set to widen, at least I sure-as-shit hope so, (Planning to make a short this summer).

Can't wait to see 'My Wrongs'. Saw the Brass Eye DVD back in August and thought it was great. The commentry on the drugs episode was brilliant: a group of four or five alchoholics invited off the street to watch and comment. A bit like:

"What's this bollocks?"
"Cake? What the fuck's cake?"
"It's an analagy."
"This is bollocks mate."
"Who's this cunt?"
"Never 'erd of cake."
"It's an analagy."

See it.
20:45 / 24.02.03
Jam is released on dvd March 6th. Also includes Jaaaaaaaaaaam.

22:27 / 26.02.03
Flowers: May I introduce to you the MODERN WORLD, where it is also avalible for £6.99, and getting it from there reduces the chance of your developing rickets...

So anyway, I got it today and, as it's the first DVD by a CD and record producing company it's... bound like a hardback book. Only you can't read most of the inlay becasue Chris Morris is a big tosspot. NEVER. MIND. This is about the film. Which is really rather good, if really rather, how shall we say... Warp, I guess. What's really good is that the remix doesn't make me want to beat Cartel Communique and Osymoso around the head with Sara Cox, which is an improvement. Also worth noting is the commentary, from a runner who has decided he's best placed to do it because he was there from the beginning to the end. Making coffee. He clearly watched too many films and shouldn't talk about dogs ever. Atleast doesn't doesn't tell you he's going to use his wages to buy more heroin, because being told that in no way makes yr viewing pleasureable.
Spatula Clarke
00:33 / 27.02.03
I demand everybody orders both this and Jam in the hope that it'll make Warp realise the commercial viability of releasing Blue Jam in its entirety (three box sets would be nice, as would the inclusion of the censored stuff from #6), so that I don't have to put up with shitty, noise-filled mono MP3s any more.

Amazon have a list of special features for Jam. I look forward to watching "programme 6 speeded up and then slowed again to original duration."
01:24 / 27.02.03
I think most of the special features are obviously piss-takes by Morris.

Amazing how most of the message boarders on Cook'd and Bomb'd seemed to miss that.
11:37 / 27.02.03
I agree with Cameron, as the packaging for My Wrongs does say "SPECIAL FEATURES: Anyone who lists these needs boiling". Plus one of the special features is the 19 seconds of the fifth episode...

How big is Jam? And Amazon says the DVD won't by 'til early April. Which is irksome.
rizla mission
13:00 / 27.02.03
Any chance of some Jam on VHS ever? no?
Spatula Clarke
20:10 / 27.02.03
I really think we ought to have some kind of whip-round for you, Riz.

Cameron> I know. As ever, it's good to see that he's obviously got an interest in how his work's presented *after* it's won plaudits.
20:35 / 28.02.03
I don't wish to piss in yr bubble blower, Randy, but I don't think Warp has the rights to the whole of Blue Jam as BBC7 sare repeating it, as well as On The Hour. I have no idea how radio laws work, but I'd imagine that, if anyone's releaseing it, it'll be the BBC.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
06:51 / 02.04.03
Got My Wrongs on Monday. Quite good, but just looked like something from Jam. Is it just that Morris normally produces but doesn't direct his stuff and this time directed rather than produced it? Paddy wossname was very good as 'himself'.
Ellis says:
14:02 / 02.05.03
The commentary is the best thing on this DVD. Hilarious.
Matthew Fluxington
14:13 / 02.05.03
I'm a novice with all of this, I've only recently become obsessed with On The Hour via mp3s of complete shows circulating on Soulseek. Would anyone mind explaining the premise behind My Wrongs and Blue Jam? They are both available online, and I haven't gotten around to downloading them yet.
Jack Fear
15:40 / 02.05.03
Read Warren Ellis's appreciation of the genius of Chris Morris.
15:47 / 02.05.03
Also check for a reasonably comprehensive archive of Morris material.

I ordered both My Wrongs and Jam from Blackstar ages ago. Jam showed up this morning but still no sign of My Wrongs...bah!
15:56 / 02.05.03
Flux, Warren Ellis does a good job of explaining My Wrongs in that column Jack linked to, but he doesn't talk about Blue Jam that much.

Blue Jam was a late-night radio programme broadcast a few years back, consisting of woozy, nightmarish ambient music, disturbingly surreal "comedy" sketches and monologues, and selections from Chris Morris' record collection. It ran for 3 series of 6 episodes.

"...In his previous ‘stitch-up’ TV series ‘Brass eye,’ Morris was criticised as being a kind of millennial Noel Edmonds; lining up hapless victims (including Edmonds himself) and mercilessly punishing their need for self promotion. ‘Blue Jam’ rubbishes this theory, proving he is without doubt one of the few true comic geniuses alive today. Not that you’ll actually find yourself laughing out-loud a great deal the first time you hear this. The effect is more one of utter bewilderment, the sort of paranoia you feel after being awake for 48 hours with nothing more to eat than "half a jar of coffee found in the bins at Sainsburys." You’re left wondering whether this was supposed to be funny, sick or just plain bewildering. Repeated listens pay off, the verbal and aural density unravelling and sticking to the inside of your head like a really good nightmare."

- from
Jack Fear
16:29 / 02.05.03
If you're reading The Filth, you'll recognize the tone of Blue Jam—not that Grant is stealing bits outright, but the sick / funny / scary vibe in which the book is steeped is pure Chris Morris.
Matthew Fluxington
17:18 / 02.05.03
I'm downloading My Wrongs, Blue Jam (the album), and a few episodes of Brass Eye at the moment. I'm very excited. I'm totally in love with On The Hour, which I'm convinced must have been some of the original inspiration for some parts of The Daily Show.

I think that if a lot of you have an interest in the sort of conceptual comedy that Morris has been doing, you may also find The Best Show On WFMU with Tom Scharpling to be of interest.
17:54 / 02.05.03
If you like On The Hour you should try to find some episodes of The Day Today, which is basically the television version. Kind of the bridge between On The Hour and Brass Eye.
17:59 / 02.05.03
The Blue Jam album is ok, kind of a "greatest hits" thing, although in my opinion he didn't select the best sketches. It's also missing the music bridging the sketches, which is part of the total experience for me - I like having a song to listen to between sketches, to have a break and properly digest the material. Just piling the sketches one on top of the other is a bit of a barrage. I own the BJ album but I prefer to listen to the radio shows, which I painstakingly tracked down and burned to cd.
13:38 / 07.05.03
My copy of My Wrongs finally arrived in the post yesterday. It's alright, I suppose, well-made and all, but I think the original Blue Jam monologue is superior. Morris' voice as the dog (in the film) is a bit too jovial - I prefer the solemn, deadpan delivery of the monologue.

A nice-looking film, though. I'm interested to see if he pursues filmmaking.
Spatula Clarke
14:05 / 07.05.03
Sorry this is a bit late, Flux, but all the Blue Jam shows are downloadable here. Be warned: the sound quality is very poor.
13:57 / 13.05.03
Bwah! I saw this out of the blue on mushrooms and it quite freaked me out... fantastic though. It's the first Warp films release isn't it? I'm assuming that means they'll release more...
15:14 / 13.05.03
Apparently so. I'm pretty sure a friend of mine was working on a number of Warp shorts (he's in audio post).
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:47 / 30.07.03
Anyone that wants to see it yet but hasn't, it's on Channel 4 tonight, 11:10 to 11:30, according to the Radio Times.
14:52 / 30.07.03
i'd check locval listings cos i thought it was on earlier - but hey- i've been wrong before...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:17 / 30.07.03
It's a umbrella thread called 'Outside', bit like '4Music' or 'T4', but 'My Wrongs' is first up...
10:19 / 31.07.03
The "Outside" programming is a return to the Channel 4 I loved in the past. Unusual, challenging programming. With naked people.

Sadly, first up was "My Wrongs". I didn't like it. It was well shot and looked good and everything but I just thought the story was rubbish. I dunno, maybe I just didn't get it...

("My night with Julia" was much better.)
The Natural Way
10:37 / 31.07.03
Forget My Wrongs, last night's telly highlight had to be the fucking excellent My Family and Autism doc. And then to flick over to beeb 4 (the only excuse for not having this channel has to be financial, barbekrunts!) and check out the companion doc The Puzzle of Autism: Sexcellent!

I tried starting a thread about it, but found myself rambling incoherently and decided to give up.
The Natural Way
10:38 / 31.07.03
Sorry about all that bold.

13:46 / 31.07.03
favourite line from My Wrongs last night:

(man catches baby)
Man: What do I do now?
Dog: Grow tits and feed it.

I liked it, it felt like a slightly extended sketch from Jam (which we all knew anyway) and was equally dark and daft. Actually a lot dafter then many of the other stuff I'd seen (the jam sketch where the guy calms his irrate girlfriend down by explaining that he wasn't having an affair but had "merely" raped that woman her friends saw him with springs to mind).

And Ware I too enjoyed "My night with Julia", but those who know me wouldn't be surprised.
14:27 / 31.07.03
Sorry to rot but gotta agree about "My Family and Autism" how cool was that kid, the whole family in fact. People who have problems quitting whining and adapting should have been made to watch that...
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