Having spent what seems a large amount of time thinking up ideas for interior designs for a personal project I'm doing (background for the living spaces of the two main characters from the novel) and watching stuff like "Home Front" and, especially last nights, "Grand Design" (a glorious convertion of an old waterworks, but I digress) I've been coming up with phrases for my dream interior design.
Phrases such as:
"Psyhidelic Hindu Love god goes high-tech"
"Matt Huston takes a trip to India"
"The Good Life starring Bill Gates and Jason King"
Stuff to give the idea of a mix of high-tech and eastern morocco/indian designs, seemlessly fitting in with each other.
So, how would you conjure up the necessary images for your ultimate penthouse, lighthouse, mansion, cave, bond villian bunker.
Feel free to add images and/or links to stuff that inspires you in creating your own living space. |