I can't say for 100% sure, but since the UK and Canada (my home) are usually pretty similar in their medical technology capacities... Most cholesterol tests differentiate between HDL and LDL. In fact, they're listed separately on all the blood requisition forms I've had (read that as many, many forms - I've had blood drawn so often I can't even begin to count). You can have the simple "total cholesterol" test administered, which is the sum of your HDL and LDL. The total is obviously important, but not so much so as the ratio, which can only be calculated using the separate HDL and LDL numbers. I'd like to think that no doctor worth his license would administer the cholesterol test without the HDL and LDL tests, since the result would provide too little information to effectively evaluate your lipid profile. But listen to me go on like all members of the medical community are entirely responsible.
There's also this: http://www.bupa.co.uk/health_information/asp/healthy_living/lifestyle/heart_health/cholesterol/#3
Not quite sure if this is useful, but it does make it sound like the test distinguishes between the two, and it is a UK-based site. |