At 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, the telephones, faxes and email in-boxes of every Senator in Washington D.C. will start ringing, printing and beeping with messages from around the country in support of peace. The "Virtual March," organized by MoveOn.org and Win Without War, hopes to demonstrate to members of Congress the staggering levels of grassroots support for the inspections process.
While the march will target the White House as well as the Senate, the organizers are more optimistic about pressuring Capitol Hill. Peter Schurman, executive director of MoveOn.org, calls the virtual march their "best attempt to put pressure on everybody," but especially to encourage the constituents of pro-war Senators to pressure them to change their minds or risk losing their office. He says, "The power to declare war rests solely in the hands of Congress. We're trying to give them the courage to stand up and do something." |