Did anyone do the sit down protest at Piccadilly Circus? Bill?
Mm, I went along and eventually worked up the bottle to sit down. They surrounded us and after a while said they'd arrest if we didn't move, and seeing no purpose in getting nicked (if anything it would have brought bad publicity) I did what I was told like the good little citizen I am and pissed off. The police dragged a few people (15 or so?) who wouldn't move away, in some cases nastily but in general they were pretty good humoured. Not everyone got arrested anyway - some just went back and sat right down again! Eventually they got a bit stroppier, made a wall and drove people back and opened the road to traffic again.
The police then vanished into the background and a sound system turned up. A little ravelet began on / round the statue of Eros. The only bad bit was some people tried to go into the road again, including an old lady (excuse my ageism, but it surprised me). The police didn't like that and one officer picked one guy up and threw him over the railing onto the concrete. (As per bloody usual, I wasn't fast enough to get a photograph.) But the rave went on, and the police let it. They did nothing, though at one point a van's siren was activated intermittently - if it wasn't so unfeasible, I'd almost suspect they were trying to get it in time with the doof. (Ravey Davey Gravey from Viz moment or what?!) If that wasn't odd enough, then these random Hare Krishnas arrived and all joined in. As I left (I was bloody cold and wanted to meet up with people in the pub) there was an enormous conga comprised of Hare Krishnas and demonstraters and random tourist types snaking round the statue to a thumping baseline. It really was surreal, even by my standards.
Then I went to the pub and got drunk with the people who were still there - sorry to miss those of you I missed, BTW.
Wuz there any violence at all? A collegue says he saw Intifada charging riot police outside the US embassy... am I being wound up? |