Note: This will be posted twice, here and in the 93 current thread
93 – More than just a bolt.
Most aspirants know the many sordid tales of Crowley. His finest work of course was found in the Book of the Law - a transmission to him from his Holy Guardian Angel, Aiwass (or Aiwaz). While in Cairo, his companion, a woman by the name of Rose, transmitted information to Crowley. He claims that there was no possible way Rose could be aware of her “knowledge” and had not made her privy to his. Rose testified on behalf of what would later be identified as “Horus”. Crowley found the whole thing quite odd, especially when she identified Horus in a museum exhibit numbered 666 – the Stele of Revealing.

Book of the Law – courtesy of thelema.net
This set the stage for the transmission and the giving of the Law – Do What Thou Wilt. (synchronumeric alert: The Stele of Revealing was created during 26th dynasty of Egypt)
This found in the 39th verse (93).Here is where the translations come into play. (I am unable to post exact “language fonts” so if one aspires, research. If not, take my word on it.
“The Word of the Law is THELEMA” which equals 93 in Greek Pythagorean Qabalah.
“The Word” (that is the phrase “the word”) using English Serial Code = 93 (20+8+5) = (23+15+18+4)=93
Therefore “The Word = Thelema” Or 93=93.
(In the beginning was the word … St.John 1:1)
Amazing, Crowley failed to make this connection.
“The Word” in Greek=(EPH) 5+80+8= 93
which when written backwards in COPTIC becomes “number”
(EPE – with the accent on the first E) = 8+80+5=93
and behold…The 3 consonants if the word LoGoS in Hebrew (LGS)= 30+3+60= 93
which, written backwards in Arabic becomes “the angel” who bears the message:
(SJL)= 60+3+30=93
and “the angel” named Aiwass, as written in Hebrew:
(OIVZ)= 70+10+6+7= 93
Word=Number=Angel=Aiwass=Thelema=”the word”
Which leads us to the 93 current:
Chris23: So close to the secret my friend. The key is in the Unihex. Look upon it and understand…

So simple. AC was so close but failed in understanding his instructions.
The flaming sword whose zig zag decent from Heaven marks the 10 sephiroth on the tree if life – Crowley called it 777.
(Notice though, it is imperfect and resembles more the Enochian Sigil for PHALAGON, whose location is Greenland and is the 21st sigil… the 3 7’s are incomplete.)
None the less, he fixated on this as his divine key.
Aleph …… 1 and 2 ….. 1 ……… 0 …….(fool)
Daleth……. 2 and 2.................4......3.........(empress)
Gimel …… 3 and 4 as 1 and 6 .....3.... 2...(high priestess)
Teth……… 4 and 5 ......... 9..... 11 (lust or justice)
Lamed…… 5 and 6 ........ 30....... 8 (justice or lust)
Nun……… 6 and 7 ......... 50...... 13 (death)
Peh………. 7 and 8 ......80............16 (tower)
Resh…….. 8 and 9 ......200......19 (the sun)
Tav………. 9 to 10........400......21 (universe/world)
A ha!
But to my understanding, he attributed this to ALCHIMIA (Alchemy) which was the 8 letter name that totaled 56.
More to come. |