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Posh Nosh

Goodness Gracious Meme
13:33 / 12.02.03
Has anyone seen this?

Am really enjoying these little ten-minute progs, starring Arabella weir/Richard E Grant as a nauseating tv chef couple. Spot on in characterisating and details. One for anyone sick to death of Nigel Slater et all.
13:46 / 12.02.03
Hehe - I saw this starting, last night I think but thought it was for real so I turned over and watched BOOOOOMtown instead.

So in the style of Look Around You then really, short pisstake format. I'll give it a go next week.
16:23 / 12.02.03
No, haven't seen it yet - and slightly put off, as ever, by the presence of Richard E Grant who is, I suspect, incapable of playing anyone other than his wanky self; even when he's supposedly taking the piss out of himself (as in *chuckle* those kerrrazy Argos ads) it's in a sort of 'look at me taking the piss out of myself!' kinda way.

Arabella Weir's okay, though, if a little overfull of fruits and nuts...
19:59 / 12.02.03
[ot] wow, I wouldn't have imagined there were people who don't like Richard E. Grant. crazy... [/ot]
01:14 / 13.02.03
Kerrrazy, even.
Brigade du jour
20:16 / 13.02.03
Damn I missed it. So it is worth watching then? Well it must be, it's got Richard E Grant and he'd make even a Renny Harlin watchable.

Thanks for the tip BiP.
05:51 / 16.03.06
I've only just got hip to these as they've been aired latenights on PBS, I think on the weekends. As we have no cable and I was surfing the meager broadcast offerings perhaps a month back, I initially skimmed them, then came back and watched for long enough to realize what a pisstake it was. And even if it is Richard E. Grant being a cartoon of himself, well, what of it? If it's funny, and it IS funny, what the hell. And the best part of it all is that I reckon you could actually make the dishes in the show if you can machete through the dysfunction in the vocabulary they choose to use. That just out-metas most everything else.

A few gags which bowled me over:

* Ariabella: "Whenever I cook with lard, I always think of the fat people in the co-ops. Perhaps you're one of them."

* Chyron over slow-motion shot of something being sprinkled on a dish: "Not actual speed"

* Ariabella v/o: "From the Posh Nosh collection: Coffee-flavored chocolate coffee beans."

Can anyone on that side of the Atlantic tell me how long this ran and how many were made? It's a great concept and wonderfully executed.
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