This is the most suitable old thread I could find:
Study: U.S. Abortion Policy Closes African Clinics
President Bush's anti-abortion policy has forced family planning clinics in poor countries to close, leaving some communities without any healthcare, according to a report issued Wednesday. Even faith-based clinics that promote abstinence -- in line with White House policy -- have had to close, according to organizers.
Under the policy, known as the Mexico City rule by supporters and the Global Gag rule by opponents, foreign family planning agencies cannot receive U.S. funds if they provide abortion services or lobby to make or keep abortion legal in their own country.
You cannot separate HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and abortion," said Hillary Fyfe, who heads the Family Life Movement of Zambia, a faith-based group working with adolescents on sex education. While her group does not promote abortion or even condom use, it does talk about the possibility, and that was enough to lose U.S. funding, Fyfe said. Three clinics in Lusaka closed this year. "We taught natural family planning and abstinence until marriage," Fyfe said in an interview. Now her group will be unable to holds its workshops unless they can find alternative funding, Fyfe said.
In Kenya's Mathare Valley, a family planning clinic closed, leaving 300,000 people with no healthcare services. "And there is no other family planning or reproductive health clinic nearby," the report said. In Romania, women may be more likely to get abortions, not fewer, because the rule has meant more women cannot get any information on contraceptives that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, the report said.
See www.globalgagrule.org for the report.
The White Houses's defense is that they say that Bush just pledged $15 billion for AIDS, so if anyone wants to fight AIDS in Africa, they money is there to keep facilities going...
...not to bring up a seperation of church and state debate, but this just seems like an area politics should have no place in... |