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Voices Wanted, Apply Within


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23:21 / 30.04.03
I just want to say this sounds fab. I can't devote any time for about 10 days for work reasons but I will then I promise!

Apart from that I really like the hip-hop vibe too. I agree that some of the tracks are too dense to add anything else to, but that they could be pared down and have vocals added really nicely. I'm definitely more of a melodic line person than a rap person but I'm still really curious to see what can be done with this.

Roll on deadline day...
14:05 / 02.05.03
They seem to be so short that I might have to use two tracks in a row, or loop a track or something, just to get something vocal to fit. Maybe. Unsure. I'm attracted to doing something connecting the Vim Chimney to the Meat Pies.

I really like the prose idea.

Sav: How'd you get that tone in "Mercule" (#30)? Lovely - like a mellotron, one of my latest obsessions.

Oh, and F.I.N.A.L. (#09)... did I give you that sample? Or did you come by it some other way? I've got that record. It rocks. Alleluia!

I think I recognize some of the zoops and twibwibwibs from those CDs of loops you sent out a couple years ago.
14:22 / 02.05.03
Syrup (#46) is lovely, by the way. I want there to be more of it.
Char Aina
18:11 / 02.05.03
grant, i was thinking about the shortness too, and i was thinking...

what about recording snippets as different tracks?
if you split the couplets into tracks, or even work to a verse/chorus editing plan, saveloy would then be able to rerecord the songs more easily to fit your words.

i realise that there is technology to make this redundant, but its a pain to cut stuff up.

the length of the tunes is something i would certainly change if this were my album we were working on. what are the rest of you thinking?
Char Aina
18:15 / 02.05.03
i should maybe clarify that i meant one could record the vocals as seperate tracks in my last post...
07:28 / 06.05.03
Thanks for the replies guys, and sorry for the lack of response from me, I've been off on holiday without internet access for the last week and a bit. I'll reply to your posts above as soon as I've got me web legs back.
15:39 / 06.05.03
Right, here's the proper reply:

Thanks for the positive comments, guys! Regarding track length: Toksik's idea sounds cool. Another way would be for me to extend the tracks you're interested in, bung the revised versions on disc and send them on to you - just tell me which tracks you want to work with and how you want them altered. Shouldn't be too much hassle, especially if the track was done in Acid, which many were. Some of them were shortened for the disc, btw, in an effort to cram on as many different tracks as possible, and I still have the lengthier originals.


"Think that the tracks lend themselves more to a hip/hop, spoken word attack vocally, rather than something melodic"



"i was thinking so far of rap stuff, or possibly spooky readings of obscure texts"

(To both) I agree. I reckon occassional blobs of non-verbal vocals could work on some of the tracks, and maybe some whispery spoken stuff (toksik's obscure texts?) on the quieter ones.


"am i right in assuming that the tracks are for playing live?
i got the impression that you have them all on your hard drive and mix through them and others in a set, hence the shortness of the individual tracks? i was thinking it would be useful to know how the pieces will be used in the end, and how best to record(ie in chunks or whole song ideas)"

I've never played live, and I have to admit I'm slightly terrified by the idea, but I've often wondered how it could be done with this sort of thing, and I like your reworked prose idea. I tend to think of these as 'studio' - erm, living room - recordings, so I suppose whole song ideas is what we're aiming for.


"I'm definitely more of a melodic line person than a rap person but I'm still really curious to see what can be done with this."

We could do it the other way round, if you like - if you provide some melodic lines I could build a new track around them, perhaps using bits from the existing ones.


"How'd you get that tone in "Mercule" (#30)? Lovely - like a mellotron, one of my latest obsessions."

Man, I've totally forgotten! Some of the tracks are pretty old now and that's one of them. I think the original sound was most likely an analog keyboard (I borrowed a Korg for a while), either flanged or vibratoed on the Amiga. I do remember that I recorded it onto a four track and then ping-ponged it umpteen times with the treble turned right up and the bass right down to get it to sound super-hissy. The wobbliness might have been a by-product of that.

"Oh, and F.I.N.A.L. (#09)... did I give you that sample? Or did you come by it some other way? I've got that record. It rocks. Alleluia!"

Ha, I nicked that off a God Bullies record. Is that the one you mean, or have you got the record they nicked it from?
Char Aina
16:31 / 06.05.03

techie time;

do you want this shit on MD, or do i need to burn it to CD? i can do both, but i can do MD much more easily.
16:41 / 06.05.03
I've got the album they nicked it from: Flight F.I.N.A.L.. It's an evangelical record about a dead person's soul being carried off to heaven. Told as if it's a flight on an airliner. Lots of "heavenly chorus" singing to fill up space.

I might be a while with mine... I'm moving house in a couple weeks, and my music room is evaporating (temporarily!).

But I'm really intrigued by the idea of a single piece read/ sung/ chanted by several voices. Anyone got a text? Should we use one of impulsivelad's tarot poems?
Char Aina
17:08 / 06.05.03
i think we should definitely do a t least one poem together...

where do we go to read these tarot poems, grant?

does anyone have any other sources they like?
i was thinking the invisibles might be one place to start, but i worry that that might end up being a little too wanky.
19:16 / 06.05.03
The tarot poems are elsewhere in the Creation around here. I only mentioned them because impulsivelad himself brought 'em up on the first page of this thread. Any agreed text would work as well, I think. One with dialogue might be really fun.
Char Aina
19:50 / 06.05.03
well hows about we do a script, then?
have you any obscure favourites?
comics might be best as they are not usually an audible medium, and they resonate with the 'lith mentality.
or do we get into hot water for copyright?

it's probably best if it's all unpublished work.
Char Aina
23:19 / 06.05.03
this just in;

track five, hard boiled, has got me channeling the spirit of an old fiction suit of mine.
his name?
Sam Hain, private all-seeing eye.

that is all.
09:47 / 07.05.03
It's begging for a bit of Sam Spade style narration, isn't it?

"do you want this shit on MD, or do i need to burn it to CD? i can do both, but i can do MD much more easily."

I don't have an MD player, so I'm afraid it's got to be CD.

I'm definitely going to have to sort myself out with MD, how much does a player cost these days?

grant> Ah, I'd kill for that album, it sounds fantastic. Lemme know if you want any tracks extended, I can sort them out while you're trying to work out which box you put the grand piano in.

I too get an enormous erection thinking about lots of voices doing one piece. It'd be nice to do a sung version as well, see how close everyone gets, tuning and timing wise (I like a bit of dissonance, me).
The Strobe
14:33 / 07.05.03
I should have power of MD-CD conversion, as mentioned earlier, soundcard hysterics not withstanding. Will confirm post exams.

Have had a little listen and am rather loving it. I'm quite up for some spoken word mish-mash; will probably just record some reading/speech/ominous sixties scifi vocals and see what happens.

Also, I think some serious remix/reworking is going to be going on. Not because there's anything wrong with it, but because I love it so much. Thank you very much Saveloy. And also: might be the impetus to do some serious sampler work. I was thinking about taking that "voices" idea to a logical extension - perhaps taking some singing and then stripping out consonants; creating choirs of phonemes, that kind of thing. Heard any Amon Tobin? That sort of thing. I have a good sampler, so I bloody well ought to exploit it.

But yes: thank you oodles, Saveloy. There is much here to be going in with, but it might take me a month or two... will post more when I've read more. Spoken word can happen quite soon, though.
The Strobe
14:35 / 07.05.03
Sav: MD decks can be found in Richersounds for £100-£140, likewise portables. I think they'll do the MZN505 for £140, which is a little portable with a USB socket on the side and software to convert mp3s to atrac and lob them onto MD. Which is rather convenient and all. Seperates are around £100-£150; RS probably your best bet. And they should have optical ins.
15:58 / 07.05.03

Thanks for the info, Guv, and: remixes! Yes please! The choir idea sounds lovely, there must be loads that can be done with voices alone.
16:44 / 07.05.03
Very fond of Syrup, I am. Well, all the ones I mentioned up there.

Text: How about one of the Mafia games?
16:47 / 07.05.03
Although doing something with this one of impulsivelad's poems could also be fun.
18:45 / 07.05.03
I also have all 22 (most are not posted) if you're interested let me know and I'll send them to you. You guys can have a whole tarot album.
Char Aina
19:07 / 07.05.03
heres an idea for a collaborative track....

lets pick a song, get it extended to a six or eight minute track.

then we pick a tarot card that fits said song.(this might be best done first, i dunno, i'm rolling here)

we then record our own interpretations of said card, the final track consisting of related but unrelated words...

whats that like to everyone elses head?

(i dont know too much about tarot, but i am willing to learn. most of you seem to be into it as a divination technique on here)
15:47 / 08.05.03
toksik> That sounds like a damn fine plan to me. Obviously, I'll leave it up to you guys to pick the card, track etc.

grant> Thanks, I'll work on those extensions.
Matthew Fluxington
19:17 / 08.05.03
Wow. I can't believe I've missed this thread. I've got tons of audio/radio oddities and comedy routines, I'd be happy to help any of you out. I'll put up a list with what I have later on.

If you're looking for some weird sounds, people talking, and bad amateur singing, you may want to check out the Audio Kitchen archives.

You may also want to download the Apology Line mp3s on my blog, and I'll have more strange audio up over the next few months.
Matthew Fluxington
19:22 / 08.05.03
I should also note that I have a few excerpts from the Flight FINAL record that was part of the WFMU compilation The Happy Listener's Guide To Mind Control. That tape includes all sorts of propaganda records, radio preachers, music made by cult leaders, and music made to be given to corporate employees. The best corporate recording on that tape will be on my blog sometime next week - it's a motivational recording made for employees of some 80s NYC boutique, and it's very scary. It's like listening to a tape casette of Patrick Bateman's mind!
14:37 / 09.05.03
Cheers, Flux, I'm drooling all over that list in the 'Apology Line' thread. I'll be sending you those tapes soon.
10:03 / 09.09.03
Just on the off-chance that anyone is still thinking of doing anything with this, I thought I'd better say that I'm going to have to bail out for a while, due to not having enough free time to devote to this sort of thing these days. If anyone with a disc still wants to muck about with the stuff on it, that's completely cool, but my ageing body just can't cope with the late nights anymore! Obviously this might change with my circumstances, but it doesn't look likely for the forseeable future.
The Strobe
11:44 / 09.09.03
That's alright, Sav. I've not had much time to work on remix-work given being busy and re-organising my musical stuff as it is, but I'm eventually going to hit some "free time" as it were in which little other than musical and creative stuff will be done... and I'm putting Flight of the Lummox into that timeframe, if anything catches my fancy (and when I'm not working with some Radiohead loops)...

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