Reading through now, it's my first experience of 'AftM' so I can't comment on how it's different. It's okay, and nicely presented, but thus far seems rather info-light. I would have liked some essays on themes and stuff, as it is it does look a bit like the authors have just raided The Bomb and other annotations.
The other limitation is probably the fact that it's not DC authorised, so presumerably the creators are all doing this out of the goodness of their heart and free of charge. I've got about as far as issue 13, and the fact that some issues can be dealt with in 2 sides is shocking. It's like an ueasy cross between York Notes and the Sandman annotated companion, it lacks the rigour of the first and the cosy sitting down with the author and talking about every single issue of the second.
And the cover, which Frank probably did quickly is awful. Fanny comes out looking worse than when Weston drew her, Jack looks like some weird old bag lady, Robin and Boy are okay but what's with King Mob? I thought he'd lost his left arm in a bizarre threshing accident until I realised Frank had him twisting his arm behind his back. Why does he insist on drawing people like that? |