My days are numbered. This is going to be a massive amount of information. I just have to clean out my system and get the info out there.
This post will hopefully tie it together…maybe. Due to the fact that it is numbers and their connections to each other, this may end up reviewing several topics previously discussed in other threads, but it is necessary in order to see the big picture. ]
Also, I hope this is easy to follow…because it is hard to explain. I’ll try to avoid “dizzy speak” (Nod to mod)
To begin:
As stated many times previous, the number 26 seems to appear in Christian/ Kabbalistic teachings. Much like the number “23”, I have used this as a homing system to occult information. It is a story that constantly reappears in different forms…from Frey and Freyja to PKD.
(32. The changing information which we experience as World is an unfolding narrative.
It tells about the death of a woman. This woman, who died long ago, was one
of the primordial twins. She was half of the divine syzygy. The purpose of
the narrative is the recollection of her and of her death. The Mind does not
wish to forget her. Thus the ratiocination of the Brain consists of a permanent
record of her existence, and, if read, will be understood this way. All the
information processed by the Brain - experienced by us as the arranging and
rearranging of physical objects - is an attempt at this preservation of her;
stones and rocks and sticks and amoebae are traces of her. The record of her
existence and passing is ordered onto the meanest level reality by the suffering
Mind which is now alone. CommentThirtyTwo) Pardon the diverson…
Back to 26:
RECAP:- 26 = IHVH The name. Later,“Jehovah” and/or “Yaweh”. The holy name contains so many mysteries within it‘s four letters, it really is another thread.
Briefly though = 4 letters compose the name. This corresponds to our dimensions ( 3 of space, one of time) The elements, the directions,etc. It is also a flat – 2 dimensional square.
The magic starts to happen when we use the numeric values of IHVH:
I = 10 (Yod) fire
H = 5 (He) air
V = 6 (Vau) water
H = 5 (He – final) earth
( note: HE…my interpretation for the dual HE = Heavens and Earth…thus Air and Earth. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…”)
The square now becomes a box – no longer 2 dimensional, but three…
A cube. It has 6 sides, 8 points and 12 edges 26
Again – the same oddity appears in the FUTHARK runes. (A fantastic yet often misunderstood system) The fourth (4) rune is attributes to As/Os (depending who you follow – I go for “As” making the letter A – a very important clue) A=4= “God/Mouth/ source of all language and wisdom”(Ansuz)
Using the same application as the 2D to 3D square, look at the 26th rune “AE”(Aesc) It shares the same meaning as the “A” rune…with the additional attribute of “Magic Mushroom”
Surprisingly, I have never found reference to the rune names being Answers and Ask…but enough on that…for now.
More on the 26 phenomenon:
26 is found in sacred geometry beyond the cube…
The Golden Rectangle: As the proportion which governs the golden rectangle of ancient, classical, and Renaissance art,l 26 is the sum of the borders of such a rectangle. The proportions which govern the rectangle whose sides are 5 by 8 units. In such, the rectangle’s perimeter would be 5+8+5+8= 26.
The Masonic Apron: The true proportions of the Masonic apron are the four Hebraic letters of the Tetragrammaton (IHVH) 10 (I), 5(H), 6(V), 5(H). The base is the lead letter YOD and the top being VAU with HE on either side – creating the “Sacred Trapezoid”
The Squaring Of The Circle : One of my favorites as well. The hermetic puzzle of squaring the circle, 26 is the value of the circle and square conjoined.
The circle is 22 ( in light of the closest mathematical equation for the ancients without using decimals to represent PI (3.14159…) was found in the “holy and ignored” equation of 7/22 (remember this one…)
The square is as mentioned earlier, 4. 22+4= 26.
(Back to the 7/22 equation: sorry to jump around… Observe the runes again. Notice the 7th rune:
And then the 22nd rune:
X (Ing represents the “Divine Twins” in Norse mythology)
Hope you’re still with me…
The Meta Four – The Kerubic Angels (Cherubs) Found throughout the Bible, one of the finest keys/codes in the mystery of the ages.
The Bull. The Lion. The Eagle. The Man. The not so easily recognizable symbols of what have been so cutely called the Meta Four. In a concealing of knowledge, fearing Man’s rapid advancement and having the clues leading to the possible deciphering of this code, the symbol for Scorpio was the subject of the old bait and switch. The Eagle, which was previous to that symbol known as the Phoenix was switched to a Scorpion. It is displayed in the Thoth Tarot Deck as the Death card.

I’ll avoid going into the great injustice that was perpetrated on mankind and stay on topic…
The “Meta Four” ( The four who sit beyond…These are the watchmen…) have some very cool attributes:
The 4 plus the 22 letters of Hebrew total 26.
They are the zodiac images of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (Herein lies another point of great confusion. Aquarius- The Water Bearer is attributed to Air whereas Scorpio, aka the Eagle, os attributed to water. Shennanigans!!! The closest answer I can provide is that Man/Aquarius was given the breath of life…but that still doesn’t sit right. Perhaps someone else knows?) On August 11,1999, fulfilling Nostradamus’ 500 year old prophecy, the main celestial bodies (Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, etc) for the first time in history fell into all four houses, forming a cross. Combined with the eclipse, this was the dawn of the new age.
Taurus = the second sign (ShVR)
Leo = the fifth sign (ARIH)
Scorpio= the eighth sign (NShR)
Aquarius = the eleventh sign (ADMf)
(2+5+8+11= 26)
The Middle Pillar Here is where I begin to answer chris23’s question concerning the High Priestess/Devil/Universe connection.
Most are familiar with this system. I wish to draw you attention to the infamous “middle pillar” (aka the world tree, the support that holds up the earth ,etc)
Just as there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, there are 22 paths on the tree which connect 10 sephiroth (or books). This is the foundation of Hebrew mysticism and most forms of “western” magic. Each path is given the name/letter and a numeric attribute. Also, the 22 major arcane of the Tarot are assigned to each path. Notice the line straight down the middle:
From Kether (1) to Tiphereth (6) to Yesod (9) to Malkuth (10). These totals combine to equal…26.
(Another neat reference to the middle pillar, the path that permits direct communion with God – it is represented as a single palm tree. [ThMR in Hebrew]
More on the paths:
The path down the middle pillar belongs to The High Priestess (Path 13- – one half of 26 and the symbol for DEATH – 1 to 6) Notice how it crosses the DAATH/ABYSS. The are spans the third eye, mouth and throat.
Next:THE DEVIL (Path 26-from Beauty to Foundation – 6 to 9) The path for the Devil is number 26. The mystery continues.
Most have some idea of the meaning of the number 17 and there are several threads referencing the number. The number is attributed to OSIRIS – Egyptian God. Osiris was slain by his brother SET and cut into 14 pieces (some texts say 13 because he kept the penis…) ISIS stopped time and reassembeled OSIRIS to impregnate herself with HORUS. Other sources tell of OSIRIS being reborn in different times/men – ST.Francis. King Arthur. William Shakespear. Etc. Until in the AGE OF HORUS, which we know dwell in, he is reborn, all 14 in one man.
Also mentioned previous: OS – Speech / IRIS – Center of
17 is the sum of the combination of THE HIGH PRIESTESS and THE DEVIL. Later on, I’ll get into it more, I don’t want to fall off topic…
Enochian: Dee’s Sigil for EMETH
Dee’s sigil (or should I say Dean…Haus?) has the Hebrew meaning of “TRUTH” and governs over all the enochian angels… Within the circle are four geometric shapes: a pentagram, a heptagon, a heptagram and another heptagon. The sum of the four(4!) is 26. (5+7+7+7=26)
I really hope I don’t have to draw a massive fucking arrow here
Dante’s Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradisio: The Cosmology
The Divine Comedy again represents 26 in it tale of the 3 afterlife stations.
Inferno contained 9 rings. Pugatory had 7 steps. Paradise had 10 levels. (9+7+10=26)
Add that to this one…:
English Serial Code: In the code of A=1, B=2… we find this gem:
GOD = 7(G)+15(O)+4(D)= 26
You know, I need to take a breather. We’ll call this part one. Before I close I have one more thought provoking image…
Kabbalah Fun with Kabbalism
The key to many answers lies in the Lovers card…
IHVH = 26 (Jehovah/Yaweh…)
ADM= 45 (Adam or Man)
ChVH= 19 (Eve, the female twin)
We then have the following pardon the spacing)
Notice anything? Im interested to hear any thoughts or answer any questions concerning this.
More to come,
…rex |