I had the opportunity to see John Waters speak recently and he touched on an idea that may some potential: the instant movie.
At the core, it'd be a dramatic recreation of a recent news event. Once something is covered in the news you go out with a few friends and a digital camera, do some quick editing, and by evening the film's done. It'd only be a day or so between the time an event enters the general public and they're able to see the movie. As examples he tossed out the Wynnona Ryder shoplifting incident and Zsa Zsa Gabor's car accident. As he stated, these are roles drag queens were MADE to play.
Apparently he filmed a recreation of the Kennedy assassination, with Divine playing the part of Jackie Kennedy. Apparently few people found it entertaining, but it might have been because he did it in 1965.
Is this a viable idea? Could it be used as more than a piss-take on news events and give a sense of perspective? It's certainly more interesting than the so-called "recreations" on crime television. |