That's a different Pinkie Carmichael, grant. He disappeared on assignment into Cambodia in the early seventies, though there have been rumors that FF Coppola contacted him in the Phillipines during the filming of Apocalyps Now.
The Pinkie Carmichael adam is talking about is known as the "renegade" archeologist of Cairo, the son of DH Lawrence through homosexual union -- Lawrence had seven sons using a little-known technique of male-to-male gene transmission which produces children with allegedly sumperhuman powers, of which Pinkie was the last. There are many rumors about the origin of his sobriquette, but none of them can really be verified. His life's work involves research into some highly technical archeological theories that don't really make sense to me, as a layperson; he's also raising up his own brood of superhuman sons, the seventh of which, he claims, is destined for great things. Last I heard, he was up to five and a half.
Adam, one of the other names you're thinking of might be Herman Horace Garoanther, another of Lawrence's offspring, known as the knife-thrower of Peru, who allegedly stole a number of JL Borjes's unpublished manuscripts. But if I were you I'd leave that line of inquiry alone -- HH is connected and doesn't like attention. |