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Tony Blair will be prosecuted for war crimes if it all goes ahead.

Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:31 / 05.02.03
Yahoo News Article

This hasn't much of a chance of succeeding, and will probably get knocked on the head like the CND action last year. But wouldn't it be nice to imagine it going ahead?
13:17 / 05.02.03
It would indeed.

The prelude is enjoyable so far, keep it up, world.
Ray Von
14:06 / 05.02.03
This whole situation is getting far too scary! (think; Cunban missile crisis scary). These certainly are interesting times that we are living in. Lets hope we all get through it!
Ray Von
14:08 / 05.02.03
That was meant to read 'Cuban' (I really must be scared to make that kind of mistake D'oh!)
14:29 / 05.02.03
They'll try and prosecute him solely because Britain went to war and not based on how it was waged? They should throw those lawyers out on their asses.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:10 / 05.02.03
Well, it's all based on the perceived legality of war. If a second UN resolution is passed saying 'yeah, bomb the crap out of them' it would be 'all right'. If not, then it's illegal. Morality doesn't enter into it unfortunately.

The article isn't clear about, legal or not, whether they'll still try to get him for war crimes regardless.
Tryphena Absent
16:24 / 05.02.03
Didn't Mark Thomas deliver the papers to Downing Street... very amusing.
20:26 / 05.02.03
Let's imagine that the ICC decides they want to prosecute Tony Blair and a number of countries somehow agree that this should be done. Imagine furthermore that most Brits think this is completely insane and Blair is protected from the ICC by the British government/military/etc. What is to be done? Sanctions on Britain? A war? A worldwide Gandhi-style fast?
09:16 / 06.02.03
13:07 / 06.02.03
Burn the Blair Witch!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:54 / 06.02.03
Just watched the Mark Thomas weapons inspector thing from C4 last week, it was indeed part of the show that they served the papers on Blair (or rather, gave it to a flunky at the door). Explains why, when I originally saw it on the This is London website Thomas wasn't mentioned (This is London -> Website for Evening Standard -> published by the Daily Mail= right MT haterz).
Baz Auckland
20:18 / 17.05.03
Gen. Franks charged with war crimes. Case to be sent to the US

Belgium's Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said on Saturday he would send a war crimes lawsuit filed in Belgium against the commander of U.S.-led forces in Iraq to the United States next week

The lawsuit was filed earlier this week by 19 Iraqis against U.S. General Tommy Franks and a U.S. Marine colonel over the use of cluster bombs and alleged U.S. attacks on ambulances and civilians during the war in Iraq

Speaking a day before the country's federal election, Verhofstadt called the lawsuit an abuse of a controversial law that allows Belgian courts to try foreigners for war crimes and other human rights violations.

Sending the lawsuit to the United States would be seen helping ease tensions between Brussels and Washington after Belgium opposed the war in Iraq and obstructed NATO efforts to boost Turkish defenses ahead of the war.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:00 / 10.01.06
General Sir Michael Rose says 'Enough of his excuses: Blair must be impeached over Iraq'. But unsurprisingly, the Blair Government say he's a doddery old man who's completely out-of-touch with the world.
09:07 / 10.01.06
Well, it is the sort of accusation to leave yourself open to if you are going to pin your hopes on a piece of legislation that hasn't been used in nearly 200 years...
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