Well, call this what You will, but here is an update on this. It seems that although I have not launched my dream servitor Yomada Ada yet, just the process of the statement of intent/sigilizing it and tweaking the final programming has brought about results. At first I thought it was just a fluke. See, I really don't remember my dreams very often, and even less so with any degree of real clarity. However, I believe everyday since I sigilized Yomada I have had multiple, intense dreams which I wake up remembering in pretty stunning detail (not entirely mind You, but enough to make me impressed). What's more they are starting to become very mysterious, carrying an air of that strange, investigatve atmosphere which surrounds the synchronicity of my waking life. Today I slept for many hours, and dreamed many things, one of which directly pertained to my book and an answer on how to steer it's course.
It is now my hopes that after I launch Ada the other counterpart to hir programming, that of promoting lucid dreams, whill begin to step up.
As a final note, in the days since I sigilized Ada many close friends have also begun talking about dreams being stronger (and I have mentioned nothing of my intended servitor to them, nor have I directed it to them. I will stick with Chris23's advice on the personal nature of this type of accomplice . Several of us have experienced dreams where we wake up, decide to do something and then seamlessly flow back into a dream that carries us through the intended task, only to wake up and realize we were, in fact, late for said task. |