As a wankomancer, well for the time being, job starting soon, i assure you it becomes easier the more you let it happen, wouldnt advise making it public thou, ie talking to them in public spaces, thou i get contact in all sorts of spaces and in all sorts of ways, the danger is overreaction and paranoia.
Your probably correct in needing to create a working relationship rather than becoming a walk in spirt drum, thou i guess that depends on what your willing or able to handle.
Your very lucky to have a mythology with spirits you can relate too, i tend to characterise them by tone of voice and suggestion which helps, but doesnt give me any coat hangers to hang them from. do you ever gets masses, crowds, as if your perception is inclusive of all the minds in your city/town? again startling at first but you slowly become accustomed to the chaotic noise, acts of concentration tend to switch the mode of perception, like watching telly as you mentioned, i tend to use music but this isnt always effective, even the space between tracks become an oppertunity for somebody to get a word in edge ways. I often wonder are these spirits, god/esses, echoes of previous reincarnations, voices of the dead, multiple selves communicating with each other via unified field of telepathy, was doing all that acid every weekend really a good idea? or am i just mad? well as someone who has explored the mental health industry and is just starting explorations from the otherside, i have to say i dont think its insanity, since what i am told when i dont ignore it or deny it tends to help me greatly, fighting it i think caused a majority of my problems.
another option i am finding is to attempt to develope a more rational logical persona to counter balance what can often be a totally intuitive me walking about jumping from one voice to the next.
also something i find useful from israel regardie is his metaphor of a wild horse in a pen and watching it from the outside, a bit like descriptions of the monkey mind in buddhism, bringing myself to awareness and being here and now, deep breathing, meditation in the sense of self aware concentration.
physical exercise is also very good, providing a very real sense of the body locating the mind in the flesh, its very easy to be guided into the spirit by things as i became more open, luckily somebody introduced me to my body again, this helped me a great deal, the body becomes a point of focus to ground you in the flesh, this could be gentle or vigourous.
sex is great at that as well solo or otherwise, giving an even greater sense of body grounding after orgasm.
another would be a huge meal that fills the stomach creating a definite heaviness inside, not so great if you dont want weight gain.
i use a combination of things to ground me depending on the mood. |