shitcrap. as in: "Well, I don't know shitcrap about car maintenance."
Smegma. Smegma, smegma.... smegma is already hors concour, of course, and i don't even know what it means (I don't even know if it *means* anything at all, and I'm not interesting in finding out). Sssssmeg-mah!
Trichion: Being the point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead. This is "The Word I Know I Will Never Use Even If I Live 100 000 Years". I keep it in a jar by the window, and stare at it through entire weekends.
Chumbawamba - Genius. I wanna turn this one into a verb, meaning "To be hit by a minivan while dancing outside in the rain". "Dude, I'm a wreck. My daughter and I spent the weekend chumbawambing back at her granny's place. Lookit me legs!"
Symplegades - Being the 'Clashing Rocks' through which the Argo had to pass in order to enter the Hellespont. Try saying it three times really fast! |