I just finished watching series two yesterday, and I completely loved the whole thing. I really liked the first series, but it didn't completely click for me until the last episode, when Brent basically sells out his people, and then gets screwed over somehow, and tries to make it like he decided to stay, wasn't forced to.
Then, series two took everything up a notch. Series one was a comedy, with some dramatic parts, but two was a perfect fusion of the two, with most of the humor coming out of these painfully awkward situations. By episode four, when Brent just bombed at the motivational speaking, I was barely laughing anymore, and was really feeling sorry for him. Brent's descent over the course of the season was just perfect. The first series establishes David's world, and all his rhetoric about being the best boss, and then to see this all destroyed by Neil's arrival was the stuff of great drama.
As people said before, the last scene, with Brent begging for his job, was just brutal. That, combined with the scene where he tells the motivational speaking team to fuck off, just made a brutal finale. This guy's entire world had been destroyed, it was really astonishing to see a comedy go to such real emotional depths.
But, all the drama aside, it was probably the funniest show I've ever seen, and none of the laughs were cheap. They all came out of the characters, and played a point in the narrative. It was almost like a really good musical, in that rather having the laughs support a weak plot, the laughs and the plot were perfectly integrated, so that a joke not only made you laugh, it made you really understand the characters. That's why, particularly at the end, stuff like Brent's dance, which would have been hilarious earlier, is now just painful to watch, because we identify with the character so much.
One thing I'm wondering, what's the deal with Chris Finch? They made such a big deal out of him, yet he only appears on a couple of episodes. Is he a big British comic personality, or is it just that they wanted to make a character who was sort of legendary, and larger than life? |