Ben Birdie:
I'd be all over contributing something. I'm looking at a hastily drawn sketch of Christina Aguilera as Pig Pen that I've been itching to make all nice and inky. How'd that fly?
Pig Pen out of Peanuts? I honestly can’t imagine how that would look, but, er, yeah, sounds suitably unexpected and libellous!
I could also write something of a slightly critical bent about, say, some comics I've read recently (I'm currently rereading Akira). Or, actually, I've got some thoughts about promoting comics on the web.
Yes. Anything involving analysis of Akira is good. And it would also give me an excuse to throw in some panels from it..
I'm pretty "square" so I don't really get what you're looking for illustration-wise. Could you give possible examples of what you would accept, like Yog-Sototh attending a Hawkwind show for instance?
Actually, that’s precisely the kind of thing I’d like to see! Yes! Waht an image!
The ideal kind of thing I’d be looking for would be anything that combined Rock n’ Roll imagery with b-movie / horror story imagery (though maybe not in an ironic Cramps way..?), expressed in universal terms of Hewlett/Bond/Mahfood comics coolness… although of course I’m open to suggestion – just about anything that looks good and isn’t wildly inappropriate or corny would be fine with me..
The actual names of the titles that you would like drawn?
er.. I don’t know if I’ve got that far yet. Could let you know as stuff gets written, because the way I work there’s a fair chance that, of my current conception of the things that are gonna be included, a pretty high percentage will be dropped / forgotten about / replaced, and I don’t want people to do illustrations or titles that’ll never get used..
Like I say, I’m in the planning stages, so the only definite, finished things at present are 1.the cover (a collage featuring a small panel from a Dan Clowes comic blown up to 40 times the size and a photo of a guy with an impressive beard playing a heavily modified Hammond organ that I cut out of The Wire) and 2. a fairly lengthy email discussion with the band Oneida (whose record / poster artwork I like an awful lot, incidentally).
How large or small they should be?
Well the zine is going to be standard typing/printing paper size – that’s A4 in Britain, I know (the hard way) that the equivalent in America is a *slightly* different size, but, um, hopefully that won’t be a problem in case anyone’s intending to fill the whole page..
Multi panel comics, one panel cartoons or spot illos? Did you want illustrations and panel borders that match articles written, or that stand on their own, or both?
All are good. Although three panel strip cartoons with a gag at the end are possibly verging on the normal… though if they’re strange and non-sensical, that would be good too..
only do stuff on the computer... I could be useful if you ever want psychedelicious titling done on a computer.
Well I do like the thought of psychedelicious titling, but, aggh, it’s the computer thing.. I hate to sound like a deliberately miserable luddite bastard all the time, but I am gonna be doing things the old fashioned way – eg, sticking pages together with glue in meatspace, so anything that would look pixellated and dodgy when printed out and photocopied isn’t going to float sadly.. |