Seems to be many, many Singing Ringing Tree sites on the Interhighwebnet.
Damn, I'm jonesing to see this now: sounds like the makers of this film caught some of the same spirit as Aleksandr Ptushko, whose works (even in the bastardized forms I've seen them in, being mocked on MST3K) glow with the pure light of unhinged genius—bringing ancient folktales head-to-head with the demands of the State but somehow always managing to come down on the side of the Kids.
DVD of Singing Ringing is available. Ptushko is ripe for a larger-scale rediscovery.
Two more observations:
A) Who knows how many other forgotten treasures are mouldering in the vaults of non-allied nations, works we'll never see because their creators—by accident of geography—were our "enemies"?
B) Between this and Sapphire and Steel, I'm horribly jealous of your British childhoods—the sheer unpredictability of your pop culture. In the US, sure, we had the occasional wild card on kid's TV, but man, you guys seemed to have a deck stacked with jokers. |