One of the things about magick is that as a relgion it is more to do with growth of the self than servitude to another being. It is as science, the gaining of power over the world through knowlege of its fundamental rules. If your religion is such that only your diety should have this ability and men should only be simple creatures subservient to it and its priests (who hold the real power, in most cases), then that is a fine enogh world view. However, it is not for everyone. Some would prefer to come to their own attainment, and seek paths of magick. And yes, its dangerous. Just as scientific experiment can lead to horrors such as the A-bomb, so to can magick lead to the possibility of great harm to self and others. It is playing with fire, on many metaphorical levels.
As for bargening with dieties, that is just one way to go about it. It is by far not the only way. One can practice magick and never have dealings with spirits of any sort and still get on well enough. However, chances are, in learning the ways of spirit, you will meet them in some form at some time. This doesn't mean you'll have to strike deals, but it might mean you'll need to preform a banishing. I know in some literal christian movement, all signs of Occult Power are the manifestations and lies of demonic powers attached to the "mage". You'll understand if I consider this a load of hog wash, or at the least a terribly limited view of things.
By the way, you may find it interesting that many who practice voodoo and similar traditions consider the experience of possession one of divine transcendence, one that brings the "horse" closer to God for their experience with spirit. It is much as some charasmatic christian movements consider possession by the Holy Spirit, where one speaks in tongues and thrashes about on the floor. It often looks the same, as well.
A lot of mysticism in Christianity is valid mysticism from other traditions, just relabeled to fit into the christian worldview. We all try for the same goal, in the end, though we call it by different names and kill each other over the semantics. |