A little bit o' Magic:
Armand look at Spain, at this moment only 4% is for a war on Iraq, the same 4% contains the ruling royal heads and families, including their friends.
Be Angry yes, Demand for change, Think change, hold on to your belief in we the people, things are changing for the better but we will see fights first. In which countries in Europe these fights will be remains the question for now, because more and more European countries SAY NO TO WAR.
The European Council which makes up the voice of the people, has decided that a war on Iraq is to be considered illegal and will be punished.
Germany had the guts to go all the way and France joined them, they have become the First ONE Nation, United by the wishes of their people, woken up seeing what is and know what others want to become. And because of this, others including Greece, Belgium (which surprised even me) and Luxembourg have joined forces.
The unthinkable has happened in England - No To Pedophilains - the heaviest punishments for everyone who dares to come near a child. In the nest of the most die hard pedophilians came the first new laws for absolute protection of children but needless to say there's one question that remains within my head, whether or not they will live up to their new laws and promises? I know that this is the only way for them to be forgiven by the spirit world, and I know that this is the only change that can save England from hardship; yes, the ruling heads are the guilty ones, but the bulk of the people are victims, as they have been since the beginning of the reign of the bad ones. The end of suffering of the people can only be if child abuse is condemned with life sentences and there is no more rape.
Its all about the bad countries that harbor the true wrong leaders, where things must be set straight, and they all are getting a chance to clean up their house, so to speak, now why is that? Because we the people live in all these countries and there is not one god that seeks to destroy what he/she created. The countries that need to set things straight in order for the people to be saved, have been pointed out by the WHALES for these last few years, locations, the wrong ruling head areas, etc have been pointed out and the ruling heads know this, but they waited and waited to see if the real predictions of the old times were true, could they be true, for if you think about it they are getting a chance which many do not even deserve, but its because of we the people, because of all who are innocent that they are getting a new chance to set straight what your ancestors did wrong, and maybe, just maybe, nothing bad will happen. Realize that we do have ruling heads/families that will cease to exist simply because a certain bloodline must never be again.
And because that so much, which has been predicted is happening, the consciousness of us all is changing, due to waking up by the mere will of the winds of change which are the holy spirits, the change of our frequencies due to our planets traveling etc we finally see European leaders starting to believe that indeed all can change, and therefore we see them changing all sorts of laws, going completely against the wishes of the IMF idiots and obeying the wishes of we the people.
This is the best thing one can wish for, our European leaders have started to believe that Mea Culpa can be if they do the right thing, and they are doing the right thing. It’s a beginning I applaud and wish to see happening around our world, and in the end it will be like that.
Italy is walking on very dangerous grounds, they should chase Berlusconi away before its too late. He is bad and for a war on Iraq.
Basically every political group that is for a war on Iraq is really bad but the people define the final outcome, and those who do not answer the call of the people will eventually be hunted down by the same people they did not listen to.
For now we have 5 european countries left who support Bush and his war on Iraq, they even urged for an ok.
Italy = Berlusconi and friends. Berlosconi has dared to ask for Political Immunity. He has been sniffing way to much coke, and no, this is not a joke, he is a massive cokehead.
Spain = Aznar = the ruling 4%, the royal family and friends/partners. Spain which has forbidden the investigation of what went wrong with the oil spill catastrophe, and further more the organization behind the demonstrations against how the oil crisis has been handled, have been prosecuted.
Portugal = Catholics and one of the first black slave traders in Europe. Abuse and rape within family a common thing. Woman completely brainwashed thinking that they are a good wife if their son stays with them and raises his family within her house, they believe a son is the highest good.
Denmark = pedophile heaven, old men can sit in movie theaters while they fondle little children in public and no one can do anything about that because they are rarely punished.
And Poland, which I do not have enough info about, except that I do not like that country. Always against the Germans.
And of course England = Blair and friends who will be under trial. But I have seen the masses in England going for the kill. So they will get what they deserve coming from the hands of the very same people they have abused in sooo many ways.
Even that news coming from London, wants us to believe that there are still 8 countries who are on the side of USA, which is Not true, 5 countries is all that USA has left within the European community.
And now we have South Korea, that is starting to oppose the USA Big Time, they want them out, they dislike them and they do NOT want war against Iraq, Korea wants a unification as has previously happened in Germany but the US is standing in their way, the US do not want this to happen because according to the US, North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil.
So to finish with the words of Saddam, as seen on the news today, America will lose much more than just some soldiers if they insist on war, they will ISOLATE themselves, they will not be able to travel the world freely anymore, they will be locked in with no goods coming from anywhere except from those who support them and this will force the American people to go at their own leaders.
There is ONLY ONE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that will LOSE EVERYTHING THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD, and this country is called The United States of America.
What we are seeing and hearing now is the following coming from American people: they are afraid to travel to Europe. See how the American government has created a police state already, they have scared their people so much that these people are doing exactly that which they should not, fear of other countries, fear of coming to Europe, while the only thing they have to do is state that they are against the war on Iraq, we in Europe know that the people are as innocent as we are, the blame goes to the ruling families and their friends and all who support their ways, now what is that about 2 million Americans? who are deciding right now, over the faith of around 280 million Americans?
If I could say one thing to the American people, it would be the following: do not fear and don't be afraid of coming to Europe, if you remain on American soil en mass, you help Bush and friends, you lock yourself in the very same country that wants you to stay in order for everyone to be wheeled right into these new prison camps, one reminder would be that Hitler first went to the States and then to Russia where he was shown their camps. No holocaust camps as we know them without the brains who created them... American brains. |