Don't you think "Mother coming home" suggests Babalon in her Kali mode? Watch the news--mother's coming back and she's angry.
This issue depressed and frightened me. Throughout the series, cues in the background, and in juxtaposed images, suggested liberation, empowerment, pleasure. Here we get degrading and oppressive sexuality, isolation, negative escapism, and fucking pigeons. I hate pigeons. Lots of references to Watchmen and V, not in a good way. The water-glass looks like Rorschach--also, a man w/raincoat and fedora follows "Joey" through many of the street scenes. It's like Moore is rolling back all the cheery, futurist/utopian stuff of the last few years and saying, "Okay, I was wrong, everything is really fucked up and there's nothing anyone can do about it."
I mean, I recognize that he's setting a tone with this issue--but jayzus. |