As much as I like the collected books, I still enjoy picking up individual issues a couple times a month and I'm pretty sure other people do too. Its like waiting for your favorite show to come on every week, theres an anticipation, some sort of build up that isn't there with the collections.
Likewise. I quit buying NXM after the "Murder" arc figuring I'd wait for the reliably prompt collections from then on, but I kept seeing the damned issues on the shelf and feeling like I was missing out on all the fun! When #146 came out I broke down and bought it, though I'm waiting to read it until after I get the "Assault on Weapon Plus" TP (October 15th, dammit), having missed that arc entirely. I do increasingly buy mostly collections, though. When GM's NXM run ends I won't be buying any monthlies consistently unless some new compellingly interesting book appears in the meantime. |