You seem to have a very odd idea of what constitues Article 19 of the UNDHR, innercircle. It promises freedom of speech, IIRC. It does not promise freedom to say whatever you like, especially not when somebody else is paying to maintain the medium you are saying it on.
You also seem to have an odd idea of what constitutes copyrigth or intellectal property. If somebody had attempted to pass off your statements as their own, they would be in breach of copyright. As it is, nobody is, and I doubt that anyone is likely to. You, and anyone else on Barbelith, had the right to make a copy of the relevant documents at any time, just as you could have photographed a message drawn in the sand. If you did not photograph that message, and the waters subsequently washed it away, I don't think the sea is in breach of copyright. You may receive legal advice that contradicts this, but if you do I'm afraid that the lawyer in question may not have your best interests at heart.
Now, I'd like to discuss this "personal peril" thing. Only it strikes me that that constitutes a threat. Could you expand on what you mean, please? Only, demanding that people play the way you want to play, and threatening them (personally, yet) if they don't, sounds a lot more Third Reich to me than a practice of moving and/or deleting threads that you agreed to implicitly when you signed up for Barbelith (read the FAQ, dude. Really).
Incidentally, I think "boycott 8 mile" is in the Conversation, presumably because its scope was decided as too broad for Films,TV and Theatre or the Switchboard.
In the meantime, there is a serious issue here. Innercircle believes that the moderators of the Switchboard and the Gathering (and Films, Television and Theatre) acted unfairly in moving or deleting his threads, and would like barbelith to agree never to alter one of his threads, by moving or deleting it, again. First up, could I ask Innercircle whether he/she/they mean this to apply to everyone, or whether only his/her/their threads and posts shoudl be exempt from moderation. |